Anxious Teenager Plays PHASMOPHOBIA ALONE

Hello people of the Internet! My name is Jort, and today I’m going to be playing Phasmophobia, ALONE. Phasmophobia is a game where you visit places like, small houses, big houses, farm houses, schools and even asylums in search of paranormal activity. While you’re searching you’ll come across certain hints and clues, this way you’ll be able to identify the ghost you’re dealing with. Meanwhile, the ghost is able to turn off lights, close doors, make stuff fall, ring the phone, activate the car alarm and so much more. The game also uses your mic and whenever you’re chased you must be quiet, you can also call for it’s name to anger it and you can even ask it over 30+ questions! Now, with that little explanation outta the way, I’d say, it’s time.. to SEARCH SOME SPOOKY BOYS!

– Qumu (Nintendo Remixes) – They make great music, go check them out!
– YouTube Audio Library


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