Are CANDLES in Phasmophobia BROKEN AGAIN?

I tested candles again in Phasmophobia and got a head-scratching result…

It is the same on the main branch btw 😉

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29 thoughts on “Are CANDLES in Phasmophobia BROKEN AGAIN?”

  1. On my latest stream tonight (uploaded to this channel on the candle-only #2 video), the candles on the main branch were weird for me. Some last two to five minutes, and others last forever. I basically have to bring all four candles and see which one is the "super" candle. Heh. Does this happen to you?

    Also, I know this may not be something you're interested in, but a video on what settings make up the best graphics and/or best look for streaming would be great. I feel like some things look sharper on other people's streams, though I thought I had the best options selected.

  2. Your videos are definitely so informative. I enjoy seeing how the ghost behaves. I wish dead players could always see the ghost.

    I was wondering if you knew how big a motion sensor’s vertical range is. I’ve heard you need to put them low down because some ghosts will crawl right under them otherwise, but is that true?

  3. We found this out after doing some random lighting challenges. We were in tanglewood for like 40 mins and our sanity never dropped, so we decided to take everything out of the house and put it in the van lol.

  4. I did some testing in memory and it looks like (at least on Bleasdale farmhouse) it does work but only at the entrance and as soon as you enter a bit deeper in it starts draining your sanity

  5. I just thought of a new piece of equipment

    The sanity watch, which monitors YOUR sanity, but not your teammates. Its not the most useful in muliplayer, but would really help solo players watch their sanity levels without having to go out to the truck constantly, this would also help everyone on large maps.

    Speaking of maps, it would also make for a good item, and the watch will put your position on that map you carry with you. A portable map would help new plays greatly, as they won't have to fear getting lost. You could also put markers on it, like "ghost room", locations of equipment and evidence, stuff like that.

    A map players cam carry around that doesn't show stuff like motion and sound sensors would be a great help, even if it doesn't track your current location, as it would just help you navigate easier.

    My noob friend got extremely lost on asylum, that me and the other two guys had to go find him and get him to the truck so we could leave as we had already done everything else, took about 10 minutes.

    A portable map would help, and a sanity watch would be great for solo players. What do you think?

  6. Do candles work as sanity booster when theres many of them? Because in one game we were on 60% and then decide to have a "ritual" where we just put all the candles in the house in one room and do some dance with soundpad music. And when we returned to truck, ive notice, that all of us had 90%. No pills were used during the game, so… Could you test that out? Btw, it was kitchen in map with only one floor and basement. Forgot the name, sry. Something with street house

  7. I just want to say that the little smiling potato at the end makes my day every time I see it. What are you saying after you give the first kiss? It sound like "big schmaltz?" I'm just curious, it's a phrase I do not know.

  8. I'd love to see a ghost event that blows the candle out. It would be cool to have a candle set up in a room, ask for a sign, then hear that hiss and see stuff blown/knocked off surfaces and the candle go out.


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