Are Large Maps "UNPLAYABLE" on the NEW UPDATE? – Phasmophobia [LVL 3683]

In this video I go in depth on the Large maps in Phasmophobia. There were quite some people claiming that the new Phasmophobia update has made large maps “unplayable”, but that is absolutely not the case. In this video I explain how to deal with the new update on the large maps! Hope you learn something and enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀

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High School: 00:00
Prison: 23:38
Asylum: 53:55

NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


26 thoughts on “Are Large Maps "UNPLAYABLE" on the NEW UPDATE? – Phasmophobia [LVL 3683]”

  1. "Sometimes you get aggressive spirts, sometimes you get the most passive spirts." Talk about an aggressive spirit. Today a spirit acted like a revenant lol. It hunted in the first 1-2 mins of me and my friends being in the house, and broke both crucifixes entirely in a minute or less. Then it wouldn't stop hunting so we just left lmaoo

  2. I think its still playable even in solo. Me what i do is have a candle, lighter and any evidence item. And look for open open doors or listening to throwing items and unlock doors. And because im using a candle i dont lose sanity

  3. Can someone explain to me why people are saying it's unplayable? Me, My wife and a friend of ours played the other day on the school and it didn't seem unplayable. The issue for us was that we just could not find evidence and couldn't determine if the footsteps were on the same floor as we were or what.

  4. Loving the long videos lately! Great for winding down after work while I cook dinner. 🙂 Thanks for exploring the new update so thoroughly Insym! I appreciate you doing all the ghost science haha

  5. I like to ask "Are you a turd burglar?" or "Do you burgle turds?" into the spirit box. One of the two gets recognized and gets an answer. XD Can't remember which of the two now though.

  6. I feel like people just forget that your goal is to try to avoid being hunted until you’re ready to do optional objectives. Theres so many people complaining about the difficulty of hunts that don’t use lights at all 🙁

  7. Hey Insym, I watch every one of your streams and you made me more self-confident about phasmophobia at first I was never in the house for long, but since I know a few of your tricks I am in there much longer, thanks for that

  8. My Latest Run in Prison was B Block Banshee, specular to your A Block Revenant. We can conclude B Block is colder than the A one and thus much safer for Phasmo purposes.


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