Phasmophobia: I thought the hunt was over May 23, 2021 by Adam Colbert Date of recording: 14 May 2021, Game Version: I saw the light stop flashing in the room …
Phasmophobia: Avoiding the Grafton Revenant February 28, 2021 by Adam Colbert I am lucky that I was able to chill on the stairs for greater than half of the …
Phasmophobia: Oh, Teleporter! January 2, 2021 by Adam Colbert This banshee here thought it would be humorous to “teleport” across the walkway in the prison level. That …
Phasmophobia, but it's not a banshee November 7, 2020 by Adam Colbert Thought it was a banshee because we had around 60% average sanity and the insta-hunt. Apparently, it wasn’t. …
Phasmophobia: Crawling Baby Ghost November 1, 2020 by Adam Colbert I knew one of the new ghost models crawled, but I didn’t know the baby did too… I …