We’re checking out that Phasmophobia! An online co-op game where we are the ghost hunters going into spooky homes, schools, and asylums looking for evidence of the paranormal!
This is the Anniversary update with lots of new changes, spooks, and equipment! We’re also joined by Aenne in this revist to Phasmophobia for Halloween!
Follow Aenne over at: https://www.youtube.com/user/PeachyAenne
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► Find out more about this game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
♫ Outro Music “Skatboet” by: http://www.epidemicsound.com/
I think you guys should do more if you feel like it
Y'all need to reupload with the new update on nightmare mode
32:24 Barbra I don't wanna be your friend you killed ash! 😂😂😂
This moment at 33:24 tho
Wow! I really like the dots projector.
I want one of those for my room, that thing's better than a disco ball.
Also, 32:25 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Priceless.
More more more more MORE!
I love how anytime someone dies they play music
So I don't care how you play with the radio, you do you, but I'm pretty sure you can stop pretending to push buttons, no one cares about that. There's a few reason to use the in game radio. 1. It turns off when the ghost is haunting, so you can't communicate with people not around you. 2. You can't talk while dead or scream as you're dying. 3. It's more atmospheric with the radio static. So it's not as silly to complain as you made it sound, it definitely changes the experience a lot.
I mean on the one hand good on Jazz for playing…but on the other why would you even make her play if she can't deal with horror like this? Just let someone else be the 4th?
As much as Jazzy was scared, it's honestly not bad to have someone in the van, there's so much important data there! Like the sanity, the map, the sensors, the activity and of course the cameras!
I really like this game as silly as it is, but I cannot play it by myself and nobody wants to play it with me lol, so I hope you guys play more of it!!
I appreciate the happy music in between deaths 🙈
This thing actually gives me phasmophobia (but I already have phasmophobia)
For the D.O.T.S to work the video camara needs to be on night vision so that the green dots turn white when watching from the van
You need below 0 for freezing temperatures, alternatively seeing your breath is freezing temperatures.
Getting close to something is not good enough for marking it in the book, 4 degrees does not mean freezing temperatures and EMF 4 does not mean EMF 5, just good indicators you should keep checking those readings.
I've recently learned "Ghost Events" is when the ghost reveals it's presence without hunting. A Hunt is never considered a "Ghost Event" it is a "Hunt", they are considered separate actions by the ghost.
Perfect video to be watching in spooky halloween season past midnight (and perfect channel too)
Hantu is just ghost in malay XD. They should put pocong instead
I wanted to leave a positive comment here: I really LOVE how y'all play Phasmo! Jazz being scared is hilarious and not at all counterproductive. She's very effective in doing her stuff in the beginning of a round and then supporting from the van.
I love how yall are not perfect at playing Phasmo because you haven't played in a whilw, that means you see everything with fresh eyes and it's so fun seeing this genuine, excited reaction. You guys are doing well enough and are learning quickly anyways!
Am praying to see more Phasmo from you guys!
I'm still early in the video but I remember Jazz being scared but taking absolutely AMAZING pictures 😅
I kinda would like a 1 point of view for everyone except for a video being everyone's screen in one channel :/
The "Goro" is Jas and Aenne's favorite ghost, Ash.
Omg really? It’s Halloween again? I can’t believe you guys are playing this
Saying their name provokes them lol
new vid for this plz
It's truly astounding how many people read that "use their name to anger them" and then spam the ghost's name over and over in the house.
Wish this was on console
Try opening cabinets and drawers for more keys.
they arent using radio
Please play more of this.
i want to see more of this!