Becoming Friends With Ghosts In Phasmophobia

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50 thoughts on “Becoming Friends With Ghosts In Phasmophobia”

  1. Also Jordan, stop turning faucets on, the ghost does it itself. Yes, the only times you've seen dirty water has been when you've turned the faucet on, but that isn't the cause. The ghost does it itself, you just happen to turn on the faucet literally every game and the ghost happens to make dirty water sometimes. All you do by turning the faucet on is wasting time and distracting yourself and others from if the ghost turned the faucet on or made a noise somewhere else. Correlation does not imply causation.

  2. Me at the beginning of this video:looks like just another gameplay

    Me in the middle of this video:I swear if I see the twins from the shinning I am gonna pass up

    Me when Jordan detects a ghost:yep,room for the nightmares please don't go in there

  3. I have heard that Yueri's are wanderers, meaning that they will often roam the area around their room and could start hunts elsewhere, which makes the smudge sticks better because it prevents them from both hunting for 90 sec and roaming so that you can gather evidence or just anger them on a crucifix.

    Also, from what I've heard from pro phasmophobia players there are only 2 types of ghosts that can outrun you, Revenant and the Jinn(can someone check me on the Jinn), so if you know it's one of those you should run to a room close the door and hide, especially the Revenant although it does move slowly if it doesn't see a target. Otherwise, just keep running from the ghost if you can't break line of sight to hide.

    As an ending note, I have not played the game myself (although I kinda want to) but I have watched quite a few expert level players play and have taken note of what they have said and am thus repeating what they say.

  4. I'll edit as I watch
    4:40 – It's either a Revenant or a Shade.
    4:46 – It's a Revenant. I love deduction.
    14:45 – So it's a Banshee. Or do they not know what counts as freezing?
    15:44 – Okay, so it was a Banshee. I completely forgot about that.
    22:28 – I almost can't keep watching. I have problems with stupid people. This is the kind of thing where I want him to get killed by the ghost for karma.
    23:56 – Freezing temperatures.
    25:55 – Chances are he's making her angrier.
    27:15 – Demon or Yurei. Either one… Isn't good.
    28:28 – Then it's a Yurei.
    32:03 – One of them is gonna die.
    37:36 – I swear, the crucifix task is never worth it.


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