Today we get paid minimum wage to risk our lives
Phasmophobia playlist:
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that one asylum round was the most terrifying. the second one made me smile.
2:34:13 The distance tot he book doesn't matter. I've seen a play were the book was writen in while they still held the book
Also Jordan, stop turning faucets on, the ghost does it itself. Yes, the only times you've seen dirty water has been when you've turned the faucet on, but that isn't the cause. The ghost does it itself, you just happen to turn on the faucet literally every game and the ghost happens to make dirty water sometimes. All you do by turning the faucet on is wasting time and distracting yourself and others from if the ghost turned the faucet on or made a noise somewhere else. Correlation does not imply causation.
Bruh the little scream when jordan was in the bathroom. ALMOST MADE ME PEE MY PANTS
The NU nail gives me some idea for when ima make a phasmophobia animation
Why the hell have I watched this all the way through and why was it the most enjoyable thing I’ve done all week.
Bruh if MLP played dis game tho XD I’d recommend flutter shy stays in da truck not that she can’t die there
you HOLD the crusifix.
I know how to get the ghost out pull the fire alarm its gotta follow fire saftey rules
takes a picture of the bone before picking it up to get extra cash
proceeds not to pick up the bone
4:45 he missed it the bottle at the bottom of the tool cabinet fell over
Lol when you said “Alexa set down stairs” my Alexa went off too 😂😂
I really shouldn’t watch this before going to bed
I get spooked easily 0-0
Whatever, I’m gonna watch anyways
We need more people like Paul. He’s a true G, that guy.
Playing this kind of games with friends gives the player a sense of ease…
sigh, watching this makes me sad.
Me at the beginning of this video:looks like just another gameplay
Me in the middle of this video:I swear if I see the twins from the shinning I am gonna pass up
Me when Jordan detects a ghost:yep,room for the nightmares please don't go in there
I prefer hideing Behind something and turn off Flashlights and don't say anything then you will survive from the Level 10 Activity.
28:89 you can here it talking
it said hello
you missed the shadow running at 05:08 lol
nvm was the other player
yo what da crap spookles
Stan Paul Smith
Why do they have to stay quiet in the loading screen?
I can imagine the ghost is just prowling around, then it hears "Donna thompson can you hear me? And uh… Brutus In Disguise, thank you for the two months"
Yo how did he keep his composure? She turned around and stared at him then started shuffling towards him. I would be screaming!
Jordan doing sign language*
Me :uhhh two people single then engaged
finally a stream of this
Who else watched the hole vid???? 🕳
2:07:00 the emf only gets high emf Levels if you are close to the ghost it doesnt work at range only like 2 meters range at 2 meters basicly 2 meters it Will give à level 2 but you have to be really close to the ghost
Please tell me I wasn’t the only person that saw an ouija board at 51:00
Wait is Scott dead in the thumbnail??
4:45 he moved his head at the same time it moved so he missed it XD and then he still goes
"today we get paid minimum wage to risk our lives"
Sing: Hallo from the dark si-ide. it must have killed all the guys…
No one dislike this the number 69 is enough he doesn't deserve any
Hearing my dog snore in the distance while watching this at night almost scared the bajeebeez outta me
I like how they are like we need to be together to draw them out but then leaves each other
you need the 4th player 😉
Can we mention how awesome the thumbnail is? That was the first thing I thought when I saw it.
Captin parkles
It was really creepy though.
Just saving my spot 1:10:14
Jordan and Kara: Verbally assaulting Donna Thomson
The Yurei: cowering in the corner because its weakness is the smudge stick in the middle of the room
Your phasmaphobia videos are perfect to fall asleep to.
(This is a compliment because I don't fall asleep to any videos anymore besides your phasmaphobia videos.)
I have heard that Yueri's are wanderers, meaning that they will often roam the area around their room and could start hunts elsewhere, which makes the smudge sticks better because it prevents them from both hunting for 90 sec and roaming so that you can gather evidence or just anger them on a crucifix.
Also, from what I've heard from pro phasmophobia players there are only 2 types of ghosts that can outrun you, Revenant and the Jinn(can someone check me on the Jinn), so if you know it's one of those you should run to a room close the door and hide, especially the Revenant although it does move slowly if it doesn't see a target. Otherwise, just keep running from the ghost if you can't break line of sight to hide.
As an ending note, I have not played the game myself (although I kinda want to) but I have watched quite a few expert level players play and have taken note of what they have said and am thus repeating what they say.
I'll edit as I watch
4:40 – It's either a Revenant or a Shade.
4:46 – It's a Revenant. I love deduction.
14:45 – So it's a Banshee. Or do they not know what counts as freezing?
15:44 – Okay, so it was a Banshee. I completely forgot about that.
22:28 – I almost can't keep watching. I have problems with stupid people. This is the kind of thing where I want him to get killed by the ghost for karma.
23:56 – Freezing temperatures.
25:55 – Chances are he's making her angrier.
27:15 – Demon or Yurei. Either one… Isn't good.
28:28 – Then it's a Yurei.
32:03 – One of them is gonna die.
37:36 – I swear, the crucifix task is never worth it.
Jardon is really bad at this… It's like he's trying to die lol