In this video I take the bone ALL THE WAY OUTSIDE! This is the logical extreme of this Phasmophobia trick. In VR you can actually carry it basically anywhere. We might try that too if we get the chance. But this alone was so much fun already, I also show you what happens when the bone falls out of bounds! I hope you enjoy this stupid science video as much as I did! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.28.6.5
13:18 Oh so that's what you meant with your reply to me.
Or maybe the car bedroom doesn't have an enforced ground because of the basement.
Not sure if they're aligned.
Next challenge gonna be like: Get the Ghost out of the house. 😂
We were soo close… why the dislike? what isn't to like about this?
when the bone is sus
mum:what ya doing?
me: watching a guy throw a emf reader at a bone!
imagine being the only guy who dislikes this hell of a nice person
looks like hes draining his rl sanity
The one dislike is the ghost whose bone you whacked out of a house
15:50 ilyt huzeorion<3
Imagine the ghost watching the entire process hahaha
insyms relationship with the bone will never be the same again. This is Love
23:05 Insym = santa claus HOHOHOHO hOH!
I love that you get so happy when you finally get it outside that you take multiple screenshots just to be sure. xD GG
6:37 got me cracking up.
the emf decided it had enough and tried backflipping itself.
next episode of the bone: backflipping items on the bone
(also good job on the uploads <3)
15k views yet no dislikes, that my friend is an accomplishment.
0 dislikes is the energy i need ✨
Me at 24:30
Its enough to make a grown man cry 🙁
@Insym, what pc do you have?
Did i really just watch a 30 minute video of insym moving a bone? Yes i did. and enjoyed every second lmao
Edit: apparently so did everyone else. 1k likes 0 dislikes
aw… im still curious if it had collision with the front door. Also, if the respawned bone still had collision
Loved it!!!
im gonna get a vr headset soon and ill try to scoope it to the truck. i accept your challenge man 🙂
Insym's Bone Adventure should be a mini-game at this point.
You never cease to amaze me with the neat stuff you come up with to do in this game
Maybe try this at The place where the door is like really close to the truck (not asylum) but the house
6.37 Yoooooo what the frikin fuck ? X:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I giggled way too much during this video.. jus sayin lol
Bone Challenge: All items are locked (Flashlight allowed? Since bones hard to find.) until you bring bone outside of house, using household items. XD Too bad it only works if the ghost touches it first v.v
maybe try putting the bone onto a note book and carry it out to the truck ?
Ghost: throws bone
Insym: tries to get it outside
Ghost: hunts once while he is moving bone
Insym: hides in closet and hunt stops
Ghost: ok that is all i wanted to do you may continue moving the bone outside
Insym: does that
Ghost: being kind of annoying with footsteps but not being aggressive
0 dislikes. Nice