Can you use the paramic to identify your ghost? | Phasmophobia

The correct answer is always yes. I mean, we all know the Banshee makes a unique sound on the parabolic microphone. But the real question is… can you identify any other ghosts with this tool? And again, the answer is yes. Some are more obvious than others like this example. But I’ve used it to identify other ghosts as well. It gets harder for others of course, but this is a good example of why this tool is actually handy – especially if you have the tier 3 parabolic microphone.

Remember, gaming should be fun!

#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #shorts #phasmophobiaclips


12 thoughts on “Can you use the paramic to identify your ghost? | Phasmophobia”

  1. I can imagine a polty animatic where the ghost is just trying to hoard all of their items to their favorite room. While suddenly a mouse shook them and they throw all of the stuff accidentally on the ground.

  2. My first instinct is twins but the way the sounds move outward from the center on the radar makes it look like a poltergeist, so I'll go with everyone else here and say poltergeist.


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