Enjoy our gameplay video of the Phasmophobia Christmas Update Ghost Hunting game. Phasmophobia is a horror investigation survival game played from a first-person perspective. The player works solo or in a group of up to four players to complete a contract in which they must identify the type of ghost haunting the specified site. Players can communicate through voice chat, both locally within a short distance and globally via walkie-talkies. Phasmophobia features speech recognition allowing certain pieces of equipment and even the ghost to hear players speaking and understand key words. Completing objectives and gathering evidence provide a payout; complete as much as possible to level up, unlock maps and difficulties, and earn money.
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCniloZIerhmXUvYpuXEflRw A Custom Call of Duty Zombies map mod created on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 by Treyarch (owned by Activision), available on Steam. Join us as we fight our way through hordes of zombies while exploring the custom map.
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I was thinking Mimic as soon as you said you were done! Lol
Thank you for letting us live vicariously through you two guys.Neils,you impressed me with eating Balut,weirdest food for me was Durian,but that’s another story. I’m in agreement on the raw onions,some types are overwhelming.
Raw onions are extremely strong. But they’re very healthy. Have enough of those and you won’t need a flu shot anymore.
Onion flashbacks.
Thank you for doing these again!! My daughter (8) and I laugh especially at Gunns!! She was looking at your older video's when you had your face in the corner. She saw Gunns and was like he looks nothing like I thought he would because of the way he screams!! I died…we love you keep it up
I like onion if it's cooked I saute onion and garlic a lot when I make something for me and my dad
You need to try Surströmming the worlds smelliest fish have a look on you tube
I love onions, my favorite is Vidalia. There's not much I an picky about. I do however have to have miracle whip. I hate…….. chicken livers and cow brains
See gunns make cooking videos and show us the whole process of what he does from preparing it to cooking it either over a fire or stove top
I like onions but not alot cause like meaty said and it has balance with other ingredients
I understand about the onion, my mother would put raw onion into everything she cooked when I was a child from then on raw onion was my bane but now I can eat onion as long as its cooked in some way but I love onion rings
Hot peppers are a NO for me as I have a strong reaction from the capsaicin in them. I get blisters in the back of my mouth and throat. Very painful. Even the sore muscle cream with capsaicin burns my skin.
Ah foodmophibia. I fully agree about raw onions man. I don't particularly love the taste of any form of onion alone, but a non-overbearing amount of cooked onions in various forms can be great. Lot of things I like as ingredients but not on its own.
I also don't like eggs on their own but as ingredients in cakes or French toast or breaded items…great.
Also I'm a lot trypophobic so tomatoes set me off a bit along with some other seedy stuff…and pomegranates and sometimes pumpkin insides I have to BURN COMPLETELY TIL THERES NOTHING LEFT. It's a strange compulsion.
well thats why you need to pay attention XD GG Mimic 🙂 x
my mouth, taste buds & brain love most foods but my stomach tends to hate them /: not fair at all :'( x
question, if you HAD to live off one starter, one main, one side dish, one pudding & one drink for the rest of your Life, what would they be? xxx
I agree with Meaty on the onions 🧅 unless they’re sautéed I won’t eat them because raw, they’re too strong to taste what I’m eating.
Great Great Video guys !! Thanks
I like chopped dill pickle with mayo for tuna sandwiches a little salt and pepper
As soon as Meaty said ghost orbs I was like uh…guys that could be a Mimic lol because they weren’t really paying attention since they were talking about food
I'm 100% with you on onions meaty. I can eat onion rings and small diced caramelized onions are ok sometimes but raw? Hell no. Cannot taste anything else. Not on my burgers, burritos or anything if I can avoid it.
I love grilled onions on kabobs, sautéed onions that are perfectly browned, and there was a recipe my grandma makes that uses onions that is to me to die for
I love Buffalo chicken pizza and I dislike liver and pig feet
I believe a ghost event is qhen you see the ghost and it doesn't attack you, from what I have seen
I don't like raw onion either. I also don't like spicy foods as much as I used to because I sweat like crazy.
i'm someone that has to try everything once
I'm so glad there's more of these I absolutely love watching you guys play this game
Onions can't eat them they make me sick I will get flu like symptoms and puke even when cooking them I can't breathe other then that I will eat almost anything
As someone born and raised in Chicago, most of us get thin crust. Stuffed on occasion, but 99 out of 100 it's thin crust. Franks on Belmont from my old neighborhood.
Smile Baby haha that made me laugh, Gunns getting more confident! Ha
I am a picky eater! I've just recently gotten into eating onions after hating them my whole life. I however, can't eat them raw, it's too much for me . I do enjoy them caramelized, but even that is sporadic.
I love cheese and onion on toast
Troll by mimic and food commentaries 😂😂😂
The smell of canned Peas makes me vomit. As a kid, I caught a whole bunch of tadpoles in a large glass pickle jar. The intent was to raise frogs. Sadly when I returned from school the next day I found that the jar had been in the sun and cooked the tadpoles. I made the colossal mistake of opening the jar. The cooked tadpole juice sloshed out and I got some in my mouth and all over my shirt. Canned peas and cooked tadpoles smell and taste the same to me.