"Did you open the door?" "No…" | Phasmophobia

Sorry if the editing looked off, it’s just that we get kicked each time so it was hard to include the end results. Thanks for watching regardless! 🙂
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42 thoughts on “"Did you open the door?" "No…" | Phasmophobia”

  1. 1:51 The difference of doors being opened by the players and by the ghosts is that doors being opened by the ghosts has, like, 30fps or so movement, like this one. This door has been opened by a ghost.

  2. Congrats on 5k man can’t say I have been here for long I have been here for 3 days I think? And when I subbed you had 3k. Congrats man! Soon we’ll be celebrating 6k XD

  3. "did you open the door.."




  4. I think a good idea would have a ghost that when hunting, mics are cut to everyone, and it mimics another character with a ghost face to trick you. Instant death if you aren't careful.


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