Als ik jou was zou ik op 13:10 alvast je lighter pakken en zaklamp wegdoen, want de lighter is klein en als je die in alle stress wilt oppakken dan gaat dat fout en je weet de weg ondertussen wel een beetje
The Sun – Drawing will fully restore sanity. The Moon – Drawing will deplete sanity to 0. The Tower – Drawing causes an interaction such as the fusebox going out or the TV to turn on. The Wheel of Fortune – Drawing causes the card to burn either red or green. If green, the player restores their sanity by 25 percent. If red, the player loses 25 percent of their sanity. The Devil – Drawing triggers a Ghost Event. This can be breathing, light flickering, electronic malfunction, turning lights red, or shattering them entirely. The High Priestess – Drawing this you get an extra life, you will be spawned at the place you died The Hanged Man – Drawing this card kills the player and has a very low chance of spawning. Death – Drawing causes a Cursed Hunt. The Hermit – Drawing locks the ghost into place, preventing it from hunting or moving location. The Fool – This card will appear as another card when drawn but will reveal itself as The Fool when burning. It does nothing, and any Tarot Card drawn during a Hunt will become The Fool.
Sacha is the most underrated YouTuber ooit!🥱
Wie van jullie was er live bij dit potje??
Discord notificatie gang🥳
Je bent echt me favo YouTuber ever blijf zo doorgaan!Je verdient de 10k subs heel erg❤
Jaaa ik vind deze video's altijd leuk om te kijken! En je verdient die 10k heel veel!
Altijd leuk jou video’s!❤️ love.
Elke keer als je bekky zegt dan moet ik denken aan die rare vogel van Nimo en dory.😂😂
Leuke video Bro
Deze video is lang geleden of nie haha, ik zie de paaseieren van de paasupdate die zo'n 2 weken geleden is haha, toffe video btw
Ik kijk dit om 23:55
Mafkees😂😂😂😂heerlijk jou serie♥️Love
Echt leuke vid sas keep it up 🙌❤️
the sun = 100% sanity, the moon = 0% 😉
Keertje samen vid opnemen zou ik leuk vinden voor mijn kanaal
beste video tot nu toe bhahahaha
Hahaha jij hebt dit ook altijd, net die video met steef gezien en jij was de enige die steeds doodging, helemaal kut😂 wel leuke video
Als ik jou was zou ik op 13:10 alvast je lighter pakken en zaklamp wegdoen, want de lighter is klein en als je die in alle stress wilt oppakken dan gaat dat fout en je weet de weg ondertussen wel een beetje
The Sun – Drawing will fully restore sanity.
The Moon – Drawing will deplete sanity to 0.
The Tower – Drawing causes an interaction such as the fusebox going out or the TV to turn on.
The Wheel of Fortune – Drawing causes the card to burn either red or green. If green, the player restores their sanity by 25 percent. If red, the player loses 25 percent of their sanity.
The Devil – Drawing triggers a Ghost Event. This can be breathing, light flickering, electronic malfunction, turning lights red, or shattering them entirely.
The High Priestess – Drawing this you get an extra life, you will be spawned at the place you died
The Hanged Man – Drawing this card kills the player and has a very low chance of spawning.
Death – Drawing causes a Cursed Hunt.
The Hermit – Drawing locks the ghost into place, preventing it from hunting or moving location.
The Fool – This card will appear as another card when drawn but will reveal itself as The Fool when burning. It does nothing, and any Tarot Card drawn during a Hunt will become The Fool.
20:12 'kom een beetje schuren dan' nou ik kwam niet meer bij!!!🤭😂😂😂😂😂