DO NOT ENTER THIS HOUSE AFTER MIDNIGHT!! (Phasmophobia Multiplayer Gameplay)
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🔷 Beautiful O.B:
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About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
#beautifulob #Phasmophobia #Ghosts
I am your biggest fan
its almost gonna be 1m subscribers
you can talk to each other in game and when you are a ghost you cant be heard
Ob your the best person ever
Creepy ghost outside make sure you saw the window to solve it is you please book he drove down
jank ghost hunters sounds better
I am not William White I am William manning
Ur voice is annoying af and ruined the whole video
OB am your biggest fan of alll time🙃
Ob I love your vids
when o.b goes in the houses
the ghosts: ima just take you
Imagine being a ghost just chillin in your bed then hearing PATRICA WILLAM’S or something and get up to see what mum is cooking now
I sub
that thumbnail seemed like something from garfield ( no offense )
Hey OB,can you play phamsmophobia in Roblox…..the games name is Paramonica….thank you
guys i saw O.B cold breath at start of video and there is a finger print to so that narrows it down to banshee and wraith basicly danger danger!!
Forget slumber parties, do CLOSET PARTIES!
Ob:what's that what's that on my face
Ghost:grabs ob
Anyone notice that Spycakes voice was echoing like ALOT and I was creeping me out
O.B you make my day when you scream and just when you talk to your voice is kind of funny
I'm so scared
Hey guys!
Hey Ob your awesome
still beatifull intros.keep that up O.B 😀
Jank busters
Spy I'm coming in with my hands up OB ima come in with my fi st up ima start fighting camodo yes boy ima start fighting
Spy it's in there camodo oh heck no I'm not going in there
o.b: sees the ghost and poops his pants ghost: murderers ob: omg I'm a ghost now
the game uses your mic so dont use discord
OB how about you get revenge you tell Komodo to go in the house with a camera so he dies cuz every time you die now that you can get revenge
I can hear the echo of someone's mic
The music that will be plays in the background replays OB place when all the lights went out that is I like that music when the lights went out
OB you should play another scary game like a really scary game
i loveyour videos