EVERY SECRET in Sunny Meadows! – Phasmophobia NEW UPDATE

Welcome back to the New Phasmophobia Update! In this video we are going to take a deep dive in the NEW Sunny Meadows map. This is by far the best map they have ever made, there are so many amazing details and secrets in this map and in this video I will show them ALL! I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7.0.0


39 thoughts on “EVERY SECRET in Sunny Meadows! – Phasmophobia NEW UPDATE”

  1. 2 things I would like to comment about this video, first the mare never turned off the breaker lmao and second you didn't show the fountain working, well it's nothing that impressive ou a game changer but it's one of the details in this new map that makes it good

  2. hey insym! you can see lisa in the lobby, you know that room you cant go into? if you put the brightness to the max and put a glowstick in between those 2 board games, if you look at a certain angle trough the window of the door, you can see lisa

  3. I think the Asylum was performing experiments on their patients, secretly. If they misbehaved, they would have been send into the "special treatment" floor. Mabye they used the organs of dead patients to trying to "heal" their alive victims, that would explain the bathtub with all the blood in buckets and the jars filled with body parts. And when the dark secret of the asylum and the doctors got revealed one day, the whole asylum got evacuated, what also explains all the left stuff in there. And the UV light writings are from Lisa, who decided to improve in her mental health in this place, but got picked for experiments as well. They pulled out her teeth, probably hurt her even worse, that would explain all the blood in her isolation room, because she tried to get out while beeing wounded. I also think she got killed in the room with the meat explosion everywhere, because you hear many screams for help in there.

    I dont know what the light in the second floor belongs tho- probably also a ghost, standing in the room, waiting to finally get freed from this horrible place.

    Also, I think that after the asylum was left, a cult performed rituals in there, causing Lisa to come back as a harmful ghost.

  4. im only 32:00 minutes into this video so idk if he realized this later on, but i believe you can turn hunts off for the custom difficulty, so then it would be a lot easier to do tours of new maps, especially big ones. unless he wanted to keep them on lol
    Also, i was too excited for this update that i watched your videos as soon as they came out, meanwhile my bf wanted to be surprised. So when we did a game on this map, the ghost room was in one of the matron offices in the basement so i took the opportunity to lead him to that fucked up room in the bottom right restricted wing😆 his face was priceless. he was like scared, in awe, and disgusted at the same time😭😂

  5. Has anyone used the UV light on the map or rules on the wall to see if there is anything written on them?

    The tallies on the wall could be the number of times that Patient #7 (Lisa) was put into the room but that is just my guess.

  6. Don’t know if Insym knows(he probably does) but in case he doesn’t and in case anyone else doesn’t know, but people on twitch are currently getting banned for the summoning circle cross scene because it looks very similar to things the KKK does and did. So be cautious when streaming the chapel. The Devs have been made aware and they are looking at possibly changing that section or just taking it out completely

  7. Idea…. what if you had multiple people and you all uses the cursed possessions at the same time, like someone does hide and seek with the board, someone does summoning circle, someone does mirror and breaks it, and someone does music boc or like tries to get the death cards or the heart pin? Thoughts?


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