THE LAST GAME ON ASYLUM – Also Saying Goodbye to the Lobby – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we say goodbye to asylum for good. Tomorrow will be the update which will remove asylum forever. But don’t be sad, we’re getting a much better map in return! But still I had to go to asylum one last time to say goodbye. We’re also saying goodbye to the lobby which will be changed in the next update as well. We will be streaming the update all day tomorrow so I hope to see you on stream! 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.3.1


41 thoughts on “THE LAST GAME ON ASYLUM – Also Saying Goodbye to the Lobby – Phasmophobia”

  1. Goodbye Asylum. It's been a good ride.
    BUT I'm also super hyped for the update. I will be playing it ALL DAY tomorrow starting at like 1PM European time so I hope to see you on stream! GET READY.

  2. hello guys and friend
    if the room's lights where the ghost spawned and starts the event are out/turned off exactly when the event is started, it means it was a ghost event..but if the lights are still on but only flickering or flashing when the ghost spawned or the event is started, it means it was a ghost hunt event, b'coz the lights are out only after the hunt phase ended.
    does it sounds sbout right guys??

  3. Just wanted to say even though I was there for the end. Goodbye Asylum. Thank you for the some of the greatest moments and games that Insym has played. Some highlights include the 2 Hour Asylum Run, and the recent Hanged Man Call.

    I’ll miss it. And if I’m playing before the update, I’ll truly cherish what silly moments Asylum brought us.

  4. After watching your ROBLOX Doors video and seeing the amount of views and likes you’ve attracted. I’d say you should try Specter 2 like some people said in that stream. It’s like phasmo and even if you don’t like it, it’s something to experience. Tip: with the spirit box, ask your questions in the chat. They might not work sometimes so you may have to spam the questions.

  5. I wonder, why not just add Sunny Meadows and keep Asylum as a separate map for those who want/liked to play the original? It's only more content and options for the players.

  6. Hey Insym! I noticed you saying you turn on lights to prevent sanity loss, but from my basic testing relatively recently, it seems like sanity doesn't stop draining unless you're standing directly underneath a wall lamp (where your head is basically touching the wall lamp). My friend and I were testing it because we were curious. With lights on in buildings, sanity was still dropping unless they were standing with their head against a wall lamp. Ceiling lights all seemed to be too far away to do anything useful.

    An additional test was to see how far away you could get from a candle placed on a floor and still prevent sanity drain. That test resulted in a circle radius of roughly 1 meter until you started losing sanity again.

    I was honestly disappointed that the sanity drop wasn't stopped just by having rooms lit up. We didn't test all maps (I think we did just a couple house maps). Have you or anyone else in the comments/chat tested these things and if so, what were your results? Other than that, great content and I'm looking forward to watching you after the new update drops 🙂

  7. I remember way back, we agreed to roam by ourselves and one should stay in the breaker to turn on the lights everytime it goes off. This map should go. It leave me a brain scar or emotional scar idk, because of we 6 players im the one who got targeted by the banshee like wtf.

  8. I have always liked to play Asylum with my friends, because they didn't know where to go and i was like TRY TO FIND THE GHOST ROOM and they were afraid and always got lost in the asylum. What fun memories. Also the lobby was my best part after every mission. Farewell old lobby and Asylum🫡. 27-th September. 🥳🥳

  9. Insym. Did you know that if you put down two spirit boxes away from one another the ghost will answer to each one depending on where it is. For example in Tanglewood, one in garage and one in hallway outside basement door will give two completely different answers relative to where the ghost is. It's soooo cool


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