Faster Ghosts are Coming SOON! – Phasmophobia Roadmap

They are removing looping from Phasmophobia! This will come really soon! I cannot wait for Phasmophobia to become more difficult! This will change a lot but I think it’s all going to lead to a better game! I am super curious to hear what you think! Let me know in the comments!

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48 thoughts on “Faster Ghosts are Coming SOON! – Phasmophobia Roadmap”

  1. Instead of the ghost not moving at the start of the hunt. It should spawn stationary then start moving after a second at a really slow speed, it then takes the 8 seconds to get up to full speed.

    As a bonus they could add an animation and sound when its standing still that allows players to know its a hunt and not a ghost event.

  2. Just my opinion
    Not a fan of increasing the speed of the ghost. Will be no fun if you die all the time just trying to get away. Add a nightmare mode and people that want this, they can go to that mode. Keep the other 3 modes the same.

    Also now that people are going to be dying more, add things/objectives for your dead self to do. Its going to be do boring just waiting around 🙄 especially if its bigger maps and takes FOREVER to get back to truck to room.

    Now opening lockers… do you not need to hold the door anymore then if they can just open it from you? 🙄

  3. If you are holding the door in a locker and then yell at the ghost during a hunt, will it still open the door or will it not because the player is holding it?

  4. I know the devs seem to favor displaying stats/info on in-game surfaces (sanity, objectives), but I wish there was a little bit of text UI at the bottom of the screen that displayed the last keyphrase it recognized from you. So if you say "Are you French?" it displays "Are you here?" or whatever it registers as.

    The voice recognition in this game just feels so unresponsive at times, I wish I could know what the game thinks I'm saying/if the game thinks I'm talking. Or at least play a little UI noise to confirm that a phrase was recognized.

  5. IMO, that "ghost stops moving when hunt begins" constitutes a "MAJOR CHANGE". I almost died 3 times in the past week playing with my little sis because the ghost spawned in and follow our exact path. 1 time I survived it because I noticed and changed path, the other 2 times I survived because it killed her instead, lel.

    But yea, thank you devs for stopping that shit.

  6. I think Jinn's speed boost shouldn't have a range limit. It would be so much more threatening, and give you a good reason to turn off the breaker against a Jinn. It'd also compensate for its really unique & obvious behavior.

  7. Wait so say the ghost would be across the house and you make it hear you, would it come all the way from the opposite side of the house to kill you? Or is there going to be some sort of loop hole?

  8. if the jinn uses its ability, it will have revenant speed until it is in distance of its target. Although it can kill players if it targets someone far away when it does use its ability and changes targets while it has the speed to someone closer. it is usually very unlikely the latter happens with experienced players.

    The checking of the last known location can help TREMENDOUSLY against afk players. I am glad this will be added in the future.

  9. The Jinn is like the fat kid at school. He runs godspeed until he gets just out of reach of you before slowing to take a breath, before going godspeed and repeating the same process over and over again

  10. I'm a casual player, but these changes don't make the game more intimidating to me. I already don't try to loop and immediately get silent when I make my way to a hiding spot, so this doesn't really change how I play. I do love that the difficulty selector was added, I think that change was welcomed by both casual and pro gamers alike.

  11. I like most of these changes. One of the things that Phasmophpobia did really well when you didn't know how everything worked was be terrifying. You wander around this dark house turning on the lights and trying to rouse a ghost and occasionally pictures fall or doors open or a mannequin shows up where you know it wasn't before, and then all of a sudden the lights start going crazy and you have no idea where the thing chasing you is, so you run into a room and hide in a corner and hold your breath to avoid making noise that the ghost might investigate.
    Of course, once you know how it all works, you figure out if the darn thing is a revenant, and either hide in a locker holding the door closed while taunting the ghost or run around the couch singing sea shanties and throwing caulk at the ghost. All the spookiness is sucked out of it.

    I think Jinn still being loopable is fine, since you have to figure out it's a Jinn before you can act on it, whereas before you could have a single piece of evidence disprove Revenant and just loop away.
    Grafton/Bleasdale hiding places: While I kind of like the Bleasdale curse, it makes sense to prevent the farmhouse from becoming complete deathtraps. I guess it depends – I don't know if the ghost can see through furniture. If you had hiding places in rooms that weren't the 100% no-inspect zones closets and lockers are, I'd be okay with no closets on those maps – it'd just ratchet up the tension more. But if a ghost would always just rush over and murder you as soon as it walked into the room, closets would be kind of necessary.
    I agree that the ghost checking the last known spot from the previous hunt could be kind of ridiculous and make the ghost oddly predictable, since you'd likely know where it spawned and where it was going to go after the first hunt.

    All in all, though, I think these changes sound great! I'm looking forward to things getting tense again during your games!

  12. I think maybe the "except Jinn" part is because its power demands its speed stagnate to a slower speed when within range…? I hope that with the breaker off, the Jinn will be at similar speed to other ghosts with the ramping up. Also wow, these changes are massive. This game gon' get real scary reallll fast. Can't wait to watch you do these!!

  13. I think the “remember last location” bit means if the ghost is doing interactions and knows you’re in the next room over for example due to voice or “seeing” you, when it hunts it will check where it saw you prior to the hunt starting? Or like if you hide before the hunt and it sees you hide, it’ll beeline for your locker to fuck you up? Lol

  14. Am i the only one who thinks those new hunt objectives are somewhat stupid? I mean, you could find the reasoning behind most of the old objectives, but when i read the new ones it's just like – "whaaat? why would anyone do that, lol". I don't mind them for the sake of gameplay though, maybe they could add another difficulty, like professional+ where you get all those risky but irrational objectives.

  15. I'd like to see 1-2 ghosts that can be looped – but you'd better be 100% sure it's one of them before you try it. Also, I wonder if the AI can be made to detect loops. If it does, the ghost randomly turns around and doubles back. Now you have to look at the ghost instead of at the ground. These are all super interesting changes though.

  16. Personally, I think the best way to abolish the looping meta would to just make it so the ghost can phase through objects like cars and couches.
    I mean, it's a ghost. A couch shouldn't stop it from getting to you, it's incorporeal. It would also mean keeping the ghosts at their current speed/difficulty too.
    Making the ghosts get faster over time works too but I think it's the sub-optimal route overall.

  17. I think personally, that they should add more sounds to the game and have more animations for both the character and ghosts, as it’s a bit hilarious watching the ghost do this slow motion run like in Baywatch, or when the ghosts have more flexibility in their joints and such and the player just bends over and breaks their spine when looking around. Also, with the sound effects I believe that there should be more variety of both ambience, footsteps, items being thrown and drop, as well as to the ghost itself as well, it’s a very well done game but the models and sounds look a little dated if I’m being honest.

  18. A few places could certainly use more hiding places, other then just "in a room". A lot of rooms on maps also have no real means to break line of sight further in those rooms for if the ghost does peak in. If that's actually intentional, then so be it, going to have to hope you've chosen wisely and the ghost doesn't check your room. If not, well, it could be nice to have more options, even if it's just hiding on the other side of a cabinet, dresser, and so on. Of course, that doesn't mean every single room should have such a hiding place, they should still be somewhat sparse and spread out across the map.

  19. Except Rev and Jinn.. I am imagine bug where it applies to all ghost and rev is faster then f1 through corridors. Asylum one end to another in less than 1min xD

  20. I'll be super happy about the ghost standing still at the beginning of a hunt. I've died so many times to the ghost spawning on top of me and going the same direction. It feels really cheesy to me.

  21. Day #54! I actually watched this a lot earlier in the day and sent it to my friends cause I was super excited about the changes. This will def change the game in a super good way! Hope you’re having a lovely day Insym!!

  22. Hopefully this means more hiding places in prison/high school/asylum eventually now that running isn’t an option. We’ll have to play to see but I’m worried medium and large maps are going to suffer the same issue as Grafton where hiding becomes a game of RNG of what room the ghost wanders to.


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