Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we do Tarot Card Roulette on the campsite map! The Tarot cards are so much fun to use! They lead to some very crazy hectic games. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.2.0
I'll be going live in around 1 hour on Twitch to play Elden Ring for like 9-10 hours straight! This might genuinely be the best game ever made! See you there <3
Play more project zomboid!!!!
Does anyone know the correct way to hid between the double doors on willow, I always die
Insym is the actual ghost because people always die on his team.
they updated bigfoot .
Now Ive been insolated for the last day, endlessly upset and crying. With not being able to go on any social media without seeing russia. I just jumped on to youtube and one of your short clips came up and I started crying so much, but this time I was happy. Insym thankmyou for making me feel better without even knowing. You are the only one right now that has made me happy. ❤️ Thank so much Insym. The community loves you.
The cookies!!!! Yay!!!
those dots were only in the camera and not in real life
I love that every time someone dies while playing with you they instinctively come over and throw things at you xD
Let’s gather round the campfire and pull our tarot cards. Are T.A.R.O.T C.A.R.D.S cards and if you don’t think that we can outrun an angry spirit then you’re wrong. But it will help if you just sing along.
I've been obsessed with Phasmaphobia ever since it came out, but my usual streamers stopped playing it months ago, so I've been stuck rewatching their old streams, and yesterday I found your account and I've been binging you're videos/streams!! Thank you for making Phasmaphobia videos 🙂
I totally love TC roulette 🙂
Today I played a game with randoms on willow and we got 3 times the death tarot cards after each other. 3 hunts in a minute. It was insane
There's nothing better than tarot roulette in the ghost room 😍
14:49 DOTS only shows on cam no?
oh NO! my team!! their dead! 🙁 poor team.
My friends and I started doing this and last time we did my friend stole my hands and my hands just kept pulling card after card 😂 we also did voodoo doll roulette which is great when you need sanity down
Can someone explain the cookies on the intro? I've missed something ; w;
I was in this stream when you were live! it was awesome!
I like the roulette game
Murder by proxy? Lol
Phantom does Goryo dots?
I feel liken Insym can be watching a pre-recorded game and if someone died, it would still be his fault
from now on we call this the polterbomb
why is he so white???
It took me a moment to realize the heart on the toilet is referencing the movie Saw I think
The only thing I want in this world is to do Tarot card roulette around the campfire!
You draw the death card, you get the death lol. Always love tarot card vids
I fucking hate hantus
I hate them
One time it activated a hunt right before we left(we hid behind the couch)
but before the day before we got hantu 2 times in a row out of 3 games, and this time we got a hantu before this one so we thought "no chance its a hantu again "
game: ghost was [hantu]