All NEW Phasmophobia Nightmare Update is released, and we explore the Maple Lodge Campsite. Enjoy our Phasmophobia Ghost Hunting Coop Gameplay video. Phasmophobia is a horror investigation survival game played from a first-person perspective. The player works solo or in a group of up to four players to complete a contract in which they must identify the type of ghost haunting the specified site. Players can communicate through voice chat, both locally within a short distance and globally via walkie-talkies. Phasmophobia features speech recognition allowing certain pieces of equipment and even the ghost to hear players speaking and understand key words. Completing objectives and gathering evidence provide a payout; complete as much as possible to level up, unlock maps and difficulties, and earn money.
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Two video in 2h omg you are so fast
I love this game you should play a little risky🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍😍😍
I haven't watched in a bit but his and guns voice reminds me of when I was younger watching their seven days to die or thier cod zombie matches
Its timee for the hunting time and also guns screaming 😂
Are you going to be able to make call of duty tomorrow
Hell yea! Happy Halloween everyone
Let’s go! Jaaaammmmmmmmmmmmm
FINALLY, man i'm literally scrolling yt untill i finally see dumb and dumber phasmaphobia.
I’m loving this series. It’s the first time i have waited on your uploads.
Watch insym for lots of tricks and tips and you guys should try to play with him it would help your skill and the way you play
I could watch these Phasmophobia videos all day long. Love ya guys. Remember to like the vid YAW'll
The ghosts are always roaming now. I do like that it's snowing instead of always raining.
btw, I heard someone say that nightmare mode only gives 2 straight clues, the other clue you find by looking at the ghost weaknesses and such.
for example there is a ghost(dont know the name) that says as weakness it can morph – (lets pretend) you already have fingerprints and Emf
there wont be a 3th clue, except when you look at the goshts fingerprints it will show 6 fingers hinting that it morphed – that's the 3th clue
Hey you guys! The insurance only works if you get the first objective correct
oof that was a rough one.
I love these on the edge videos. Thanks for posting
Take the lighter and light the dam campfire please.
What they considered a white tent is more of a gazebo than a tent
The smudge sticks look like something Cheech & Chong would sell… 😉
Which entities can turn in and if the lights
I feel like you guys would like to play the killing floor 2
The YAW guys now are trying to become professional ghost hunters. Lets wish them luck and let the hilarity continue… haha
Damn snow messing it up
70 000 subscribers away from 3 Million. So close!
25:15 one of the ghosts can leave the room cold even after moving from it so yea they can do that, dont take that as evidence of anything though, if you have proof evidence it can’t be wrong, you might get evidence that ghost doesn’t even have
I feel a hunt coming on!
Ghost at 15:54
So good!
Saw a quick vid that if you take the uv light and search around a wooden beam a message appears and it gives a location. If you go to the location there is another Easter Egg.
Poor Guns.