#Kuya #MEE
Thank You So Much For Your Time
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Kuya Calvin Apparel – https://kuyacalvin.com
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This is Mee 😀
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— My Beautiful Friends —
Teeg Blunt:
Hunt and Company – https://thehuntandcompany.com/
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/user/ironmenfan1
Instagram – https://instagram.com/tjhunt_
Twitter –https://twitter.com/tjhunt
Snapchat – Teeeg28
Enzo Ferrari aka Rad Dan:
Rad Industries – https://rad-industries.com
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmBjuEZomfLwlYf2wMGWLdg
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/raddandrift
Send your stuff to my PO box
Whats popin calvin
i wish i had a hairline like yours
Calvin is the mad scientist…
I’m watching calvin and YouTube at the same time
I was here for this.
3:57 Kevin : “Can I have your autograph?” 😂😂😂
The ending thooooooo
Haven’t been able to catch the stream lately cause of school and my pc has been down for a while but lovin the content dad
LOL so cute when you get scared xD
Is Daniel Williams the brother of Dustin Williams, and he's pranking them ????🤔🤔🤔😅😅
This is so FUNNY!!
Lmfaoo I miss everything because of my damn job lol.
Just a good scream 😂😂
Hi kuya Calvin..
Aye Calvin, where’d you get that underarm holster you use to hold your wallet or phone ?
Dang that instantly scare the f out of me when the lamp broke or something
Why TJ’s in game character kinda look like him tho?