Welcome back to Phasmophobia. In this video we go over the recent photo deletion update that aims to fix some of the massive flaws of the photo system. It obviously doesn’t actually fix the issue of ghost photos sometimes not working or the photo detection being pretty bad. But at least when those things happen you can now just delete the photo and not ruin your perfect game. I think this is a great change! What do you think?
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.10.1.2
This is the update from a few weeks ago! I just didn't have a chance to post my update review video yet! So here it is! What do you think about the photo deletion system? I think it's really good and I'd like to see a few more temporary changes such as this to make the game much better while they are working on the massive changes for the next year(s).
Nerf the salt photos, but make it so a 10/10 3 star photos is actually a bigger money/exp boost than what it is.
Also make the Capture the photo of the ghost a "seperate" objective that it is always there.
Which ofc will reward you for extra in terms of money and exp as well… depending on the quality of the photo.
And make it worth it!!! Like in what world that ghost hunting is real, taking a picture of some stepped salt and a picture of a fucking ghost is the same value?
Also, make an objective about the Sound sensor for god's sake…. Make us pick it up a few times or just delete it and give us a meaningfull item.
I think every other item in the game has a decent use.
Funny enough, the voice chat improvements caused brand new issues. There was about a 15 second delay between talking and registering it in game. Had to switch to discord to make sure it wasn't on my end. Thankfully closing and reopening the game solved it
Regarding new ghost I had an idea a long time ago. A ghost called a Wisp. Talking to this ghost on a spirit box would make it friendlier. Leaving the room after talking to the ghost would make the ghost change the ghost room. During a hunt talking to the ghost certain phrases or trough spirit box would slow it down and make it choose another target and go away temporarily
2:27:36 the thaye tries to age every 1-2 minutes. if a player is in the room, this'll succeed, otherwise it'll wait another 30 seconds before trying again.
every time the thaye ages, the age on the ouija board increases by 1-4. there is no limit to how many times the thaye can age, however, after doing so 10 times there'll be no further effect on ghost behaviour.
a ghost can't start at a higher age than 90, so if the ouija board says a higher age, it's a thaye.
Still think a better fix would be taking star rakings off photos and just wanting you to get different types of photos. Knowing when it will be 3 or 2 star is just annoying. It feels way too gamey and takes you out of the "ghost hunting" environment. Yes, my digital camera with only 10 photos it can take. God forbid not each photo is a masterpiece of this foot salt.
I did one time see a ghost event happen only after I left the house, it was very confusing
trexes actually had very sharp vision, jurassic park just didnt do it justice!
Leave it to the Dutch to scam people on Runescape
I mean people really thinks that if you stand still completely t rex can't see you. i heard from paleontologists that a trex have excellent vision 12 tims better than humans and how tf a trex won't see you if you're still i am not saying insym he stupid he just give a example but i am saying some people might believe that bs
hey quick question here to those who played this game a lot more than… If you take a photo of the ghost, during a hunt, and it is a phantom… what happens? Does the hunt stops because the ghost despawned? Or does it turns the ghost invisible for the remaining of the hunt but the hunt still goes on?
You should do a 1 star picture challenge
at 3:22, can someone explain why he ruled out Mare? Are they unable to flip the lights?
What I would do for making the photo system good again is I would change the perfect game reward from money into a multiplier for ALL the money you get after the game multiplier you set up and play. And the perfect game multiplier would be based on what pictures you taken; by that I mean every type of pictures would have a multiplier number which adds up at the end of the game if perfect game. My idea is to not make it too powerful:
Dirty water, ghost photo: 0,5 multiplier
UV, body: 0,3
Crucifix, cursed possession, bone: 0,2
Interaction: 0,15
Salt: 0,1
With this let’s say you abuse 9 salt photo with 1 bone; you will get a 1,1 multiplier which doesn’t add that much.
Let’s say you take 1 ghost, 2 crucifix, bone, cursed, 4 interacion and 1 salt photo. With the game options you setup you gain 1700$, plus with these good photos you get a 2x multiplier so you get 3400$ instead.
I think they should definitely increase it from 2 to like 4 or 6 instead for if you try to get it during a hunt if it never manifests during the non-hunting phase and if you took many photos and forgot if you had a ghost photo objective and have almost all 3 stars like 9 3 star photos or even when someone could just join a multiplayer lobby and just take 10 photos of nothing and then delete 2 and retake 2 more then leaving (or just leave at the 1st 10) also I disagree with the 1 photo kinds since there are 9 of 11 photos (if you are lucky with dirty water every time as 1 of the 9 main photo's every game) that you can get (8 if you are in single-player)
My friend grabs the video camera, emf and spirit box, I grab the camera, uv and the book. And then we just lurk like morons all over the place and weirdly we are organised as hell at the same time, fast tasking lol. Having a duo that plays exactly like you is a lottery.
Btw, in game voice chat is pretty bad imo, we had to stop using it.
The new voice chat they used is and still is atrocious. It broke last week where nothing in game was working. It is causing cut outs at random. Not a good look for them when it takes this long to come out with content and it ends up being busted.
I think it would be cool for the proposed ghost removal game if they made it so on higher difficulties there is a chance that the ghost was misidentified by the ghost investigation team. I like to think you get your rewards after the ghost has been removed from the map which is why when you get the ghost wrong they correct you and tell you what it actually was because the removal squad went in and found out the hard way.
Almost 1M subs!!!!!
Some of the ghosts from the minecraft phasmo were cool, wouldn't mind seeing some of them like the opposite banish one. where it tries to protect one person by killing everyone lol
1:25:00 How did you know it was EMF 5 here? (I'm assuming it's because of the spike to 7 but I'm not sure)
Still having issues with voice chat. My brother and I had to switch to Discord because Phasmo just stopped working
thats why they shouldnt do a must requirement ghost photo. because a thing like this is frustration. i have tried to snap multiple times, but it only shows as interaction as objects nearby that got affect by the hunt, will be considered first than ghost.
We have a virtual weekly phasmo double date night with some friends of ours out of state, and I always leave the photos to the others because I was always afraid to screw up the pictures. We needed a ghost photo, and our usual photographer had died. A ghost event was happening, and I grabbed the camera and took a ghost photo! I was screaming as I did it 😂 this update has given me confidence to take more photos!!
I think it would be cool if they gave the tier 3 UV a mechanic that is similiar to the tier 3 dots, that would actually be useful
I love watching you play some phasmo. I’m not a constant viewer but every couple of months a video will show up in my recommended and it’s gotten to feel like home to me. Something cozy about watching some ghost hunting and makes me happy.
23:14 imo they should keep the photo system as is and build on it. Instead of requiring photo diversity, I think they should incentivise it by applying a bonus based on the percentage of photo diversity. This way, if people prefer playing it safe with photos, they can, but your playstyle would also be valid and more advised. I think we need to be mindful not to make the game too hard for the casuals
How do uou speak directly into the spirit box? I have to press on what i want to ask it about
But… but did you know you can hold the thermo button for live updates…? 😂