This New Update Makes Phasmophobia Look SUPER REALISTIC

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we explore everything on the new update! There is a lot of awesome stuff here and also a few controversial changes! In this update we talk about it all! I’d love to hear what you think in the comments down below! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8


43 thoughts on “This New Update Makes Phasmophobia Look SUPER REALISTIC”

  1. Coming from a game dev, with only a little bit of experience in playing Phasmophobia, if custom games are used to make the game harder (less sanity pills, harder weather, etc) that should hypothetically imply more reward… that said, expecting the devs to have an on-going list of things that make it harder/easier depending on map and current update 'meta' is a lot to ask… so for simplicity sake; I'd understand completely why they'd cull complexity for freedom and leave difficulty in a controlled manner, in hands of the devs but allow customisation for the community to explore/practice etc.

  2. wait I was in stream for this game XD edit: if you're wondering that was my first time seeing the update, and also one of the timestamps us 5:36 but I just thought it was funny that game got on a YouTube video

  3. With the custom difficulty there was no reason to play on a preset difficulty was the main problem. So every game really wasn't phasmophobia in essence as much as like a steam workshop game mechanic mod of it's former self. If it was my game I would have made ghosts have vastly different environment mechanics and allowed the players to summon certain ghosts (80% accuracy) rather then already being in the house.
    This would allow player choice of the preferred environment without changing the game because a shade would be beginner difficulty, hantu intermediate, revenant professional, demon nightmare ect and you purposefully summon these guys but sometimes get a random ghost. If this cut down on possible ghosts too much then fire demon(little less hunt grace), wind demon(little faster) ect and make them all have an elemental variant or some stuff.

  4. The visuals are stunning in this update but custom players like myself are crying lol. I think a better short term fix until the progression update would've been to either just cap the difficulty modifier, or make it so you only get the full modifier if you correctly id the ghost and do all objectives etc.

  5. “So where is the orb exactly? Dora the explore point at it right now. Do you see the orb? Click on orb.
    I don’t see it. I think you guys are off your rocker.”
    -Insym quote 2022 can’t trust chat for orbs now

  6. I kinda understand why they reduced the outcome of custom games. But like you mentioned: it hurts those who are seeking a challenge and a high money reward kinda felt good as reward for finishing the challenge. Maybe they can find a way to balance it out. Like: If the rewarded money is more then a certain amount then the penalty applies. Its a big difference between the money rewarded from a challenge and the money from abusing the system. Idk, just a thought of mine

  7. i think its a bit dismissive to say "oh the -80% is gonna hurt for a little bit because all changes hurt players!" because i almost exclusively played on custom because thats how i enjoyed the game. i disagree with a lot of the chat saying exp should be nerfed but money payout shouldnt. NOTHING should be nerfed, just because people were cheesing the system. why does it matter that people were cheesing it???? my controversial take is, yeah, SOME (VERY few) people were cheesing the system, but that doesn't really affect ANYONE. "their level won't be indicitave of their experience" is also not valid because take myself as the opposite case. if i were to continue playing only custom, it would seem that i was WAY less experienced than i truly am simply because i am getting next to no experience from my matches that are way more difficult than a regular match.

  8. So I'm super new, and I don't want to play on intermediate because it pays out too little, but I'm too new to do professional. Custom allowed me to get a 2.5 with settings I was comfortable with and I could rank up at a pace that was friendly to me. So it's stinky for new players who want to learn without dying all the time and still get enough money to pay for the equipment that makes the game so much more playable. It's not like I was cheesing the system 🙁

  9. Gotta admit, custom difficulty nerf sucks badly for me and my friend. She never played any games in her life and when she saw me play Phasmo, she got interested in it. She got the game even tho she knew it wouldnt work so well on her laptop, still mostly worked in a way that was playable. We were using custom difficulty only to change the weather to clear as whenever we were getting heavy rain (which was surprisingly often for some reason), the game would lag unbelievably for her. We're probs just gonna have to restart everything when we get it :/ Shame its probs not possible to apply the -80% above certain multiplier threshold.

  10. custom difficulty is now confusing for newer players because when they see x4 multiplier they think it's the same as nightmare
    IMO x4 should be the same as x4 from regular difficulty settings but higher settings should never reach x24. Instead nerf each options to increase multiplier by either 0,10 and 0,20 so the maximum we can reach is like x10.

  11. I absolutely and completely disagree with how they handled the custom difficulty nerf. Honestly I think it's completely unfair of them to punish everyone for those who did use it to simply cheese money and levels. I understand wanting to try and mitigate the amount one gets simply by cheesing it this is not the way to go about it. I already made a reddit post about my ideas on what they could have done instead of this or simply just not have the nerf be so harsh. 50% Reduction would still suck but not as bad and that's the easiest alternative. Others were simply adding in caps depending on certain settings or reworking the custom modifiers all together. I get that would be more work but it would be more fair to everyone then simply basically ruining custom difficulty in my opinion. Like sure it's still fun to just make games to fuck around with but now if I ever do a custom difficulty I'm never not having losing equipment disabled cause I'm not risking my equipment and money for jack shit. Thank god I already got the 24x trophy cause with this horrendous nerf I wouldn't even bother with how difficult it is. A trophy is not worth it when how many times you are likely to die and how much of a grind it can be to get that equipment back for some people.

  12. I'm fine with the levels being limited.

    But the loss of gear and money is the biggest thing that changes this from a fun game to a punishing chore that you have to do to get to where you can play again.

    If the 80% reduction hit experience but not money….

    or "don't lose gear" capped at x1 or x2 reward instead of x0….

    or it was possible to buy up a minimum stock so that once unlocked you always had at least 1 of any tool.

    Any of those would go a long way to avoid the feeling of being told "go do boring grinding because you were bad and now you have to do chores until you earn your gear back."

    I have enough grind in real life, thank you.

  13. I think it would be cool if the custom difficult features fell into brackets of the set difficulties. So for example if I want to only get two evidences but I want the screens and I want to ghost to be slow, the game could be like “okay well those modifications will put you in the professional bracket” and then I’d get the rewards of a professional game even though I’ve customized the features.

    Idk if that made any sense, but basically I’m saying the various combinations would add up and place each game into the amateur, intermediate, professional, or nightmare bracket and then would grant the rewards of each bracket. That way I can customize the game without making crap rewards, and people can’t abuse the game to get stupid crazy rewards with very low effort

  14. So they make a game, then allow you to customize it… but then dictate the terms under how the game is played again. Sounds kind of inconsistent to me. At best, they just couldn't be bothered to balance it, and at worst, it's just a bad faith take. Easy fix: just make it so the customizations that make it harder have a higher reward modifier and stuff that makes it easier make it lower. A lot of my friends quit playing because it can be very newcomer-hostile and they disliked the grind to get a full loadout of equipment, and this change will probably guarantee they never return to the game now. Also, anyone who seriously takes prestige levels seriously is setting themselves up for failure – some people have 50 hours of experience in a game, some people have 1 hour of experience, 50 times over. So having a high prestige level really shouldn't mean anything to anyone and the fact that it was used as justification for this change is really weak.

  15. I feel like the nerf to the custom difficulty was wayyy too much, as most people are saying, but honestly I feel like I'd rather them remove the rewards entirely if that's the direction they're wanting to go. To be honest, it was fairly easy to get a ridiculous amount of xp and cash pretty easily, so I get it, but only getting 20% of the reward is too little for it to be worth it as a source of xp/money anymore, why not just play the standard difficulties at this point?.

    There are a few ways in which they could handle it moving forward without removing the rewards:
    – They could cap the total amount of xp/money you earned at a flat rate, so even if you play on 24x, you're still getting the same amount as, lets say, 4x or 8x or something(though that kind of defeats the whole purpose of the added multiplier I suppose past a certain point)
    – A re-balance of the entire system. Making the top difficulty something more around 12x by reducing the multiplier of most of the extra settings. They could still make it so that the standard difficulty settings reach their current multipliers, but lessen a lot of the other more niche settings, so that you can still make a decent amount of money, but it's a bit harder than before to grind up a ton of levels/money quickly.
    – One last idea is to divide the reward multiplier depending on the amount of people that are in the lobby after a threshold(maybe past 4-8x?), so that the more players there are, the less rewards you'll get, since most of the time it's a lot easier/fun to play with others. (This is honestly a change I wouldn't mind seeing in general ngl)

    Not sure what they'll do, but I'm hopeful that things will change on that side of things, since I know a lot of people like that part of the game, and they don't want it to feel like a waste of time/effort.

    The Christmas event is fun though! If a bit easy, especially to more veteran players. I also like that they're sticking with the smaller maps for these holiday events for accessibility sake, although I wouldn't mind seeing one that focused on the big maps later in the future.

    Love the video as always! d:

  16. Just make the custom difficulty have max multiplier of 6x instead of 24x that would basically give more rewards to people who actually play the game on harder modes and reduce the money cheeze players get. Also for the players who are just starting out why not give double rewards buff till a certain level like till 30-50 or something

  17. imo what they should do is make it so "easier" settings apply the 80%. But if you only have more difficult stuff, then you should still get a bonus.

    There's no reason why nightmare mode + 0 sanity should get you -80%, for example.

  18. It's called the Expertise Gap… and it is a big problem in any sort of teaching. Because when you're an expert in a subject you make a lot of assumptions as to what is basic knowledge. And the more expert you have, the higher your floor is so that what you consider "basic" is what the lay person considers over their heads.

    Teachers have to actively consider this problem.

    – 1 evidence
    – professional settings
    – power starts on
    – power doesn't show on the van where it is

    and that's it
    Now I simply can't cuz I'm going to die once and have to win 20 games in a row to pay it back 😀


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