This bear was CURSED! I started flying all over the place and giggled in my face! Phasmophobia has endless surprises! Even after over 400 hours you still see new things all the time. I hope you enjoy this insane run and I’ll see you during the streams! 😀
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NOTE: This video is recorded before the patch v0.21.1-v0.23 were released. It does not contain the new ghost behavior
Giggle face
07:59 'This place is haunted, I tell you. There might be a ghost in here…' yea, isn't that the premise of the game? 😉
I didn’t know they can giggle 😱
You can now place candles like a book or camera now btw, they still don't stop sanity drain when standing near one though.
im sorry the beep boop at the start had my dying 🤣
They should add the concept where any of the bears can giggle or laugh. And they should add a objective where you have to get 10 sound percentage with the paro mic. also, ever since i followed the twitch, i havnt stoped watching the vids and streams. Love the Vids man! heart from Australia! ❤️❤️
Love the lil Stardew reference at the beginning!
That bear turned on Michael Jackson mode, and scared me a lil' bit😆.
I noticed the bear floating in the room at about 4:50 and at 7:25 you can hear the actual change of sound the moment he walks into the bear, not just the very clear giggle.
New map ideas. Comment your favorite below
– church
– mall/ store
– senior center
– hospital
– Burned down house
– Storage unit
– mine shaft
– indoor grave yard
– Daycare center
I wonder if you can find ghost name using luigi board🤔. It should be possible, or maybe its my imagination.
I just started following Psycho right before watching this video 😁 I love the potato filter so much 😂😂❤️
Insym out of context: "My caulk, right through the chair."
That loud giggle gave me chills… That was so cursed.
I haven't really encountered many glitches… its weird i never seem to on any game i play for some reason
My heart is so happy about you and Psycho <3 ahh~
Hey, @ 3:11 I saw a hello from Michigan in the chat, so have another hello from Michigan in the YT comments 💜
Funniest glitch was when two of picked up the same thermo and when one of us tossed it down, it started bouncing.
Also had one the ghost books teleport from inside the house back into the van. 😂
I think the shadow of the bear before you see it is more creepy
Sorry I scare you so much… I was certain that I'd become more cute if I let out a giggle. Terrible at reading the room. 😂😉
Oh yeah, that was cursed. 100% that was creepy AF.
I've ever heard the giggle sounds tho
In farmhouse not from the bear doll, just opening the door.
Somehow it gave me goosebumps and panic att cuz i dont have any idea where the sound came from LOL
I'll be watching some of your livestreams on Fridays after school & over the weekend. My mom already watches your livestreams.
I have played enough Stardew Valley to realize the music you were playin there 0:23 lol. It is good music tho
Bears are officially cursed. If you see one on ANY map just STAY AWAY. That bear is going to be death of me. Btw another great video. 🤩❤️
Those giggles are NOT okay! I like my sanity and when I can sleep at night…. my funniest glitch would probably just be twerking, but that’s an easy classic! Have a good one Insym!
I'm so glad they changed the lighting for the night cams. looks 100% better now. Before was way too bright.