Getting the KRAMPUS Trophy in Phasmophobia!

Welcome back to the Phasmophobia Christmas event! The community has finally completed every stage and now it’s time to claim our rewards! This event hasn’t been my favorite, but the Krampus trophy looks awesome.

Become a member here!

I hope you enjoy some final runs on this event!

00:00 – Intro
0:52 – Tanglewood Drive
5:00 – Bleasdale Farmhouse
14:12 – Point Hope
18:22 – Maple Lodge Campsite
25:25 – Outro


37 thoughts on “Getting the KRAMPUS Trophy in Phasmophobia!”

  1. Me and my best friend got this game about 2-3 days ago and we been grinding it but we can’t hardly beat amateur difficulty so I watch your vids to see how to play and because I like that your chill and not always screaming. Also how do you survive the hunt like ik you hide but he always finds me

  2. Big congrats to you on 10000 subs man! Still remember when I found your channel a few months ago and trying to figure out some stuff with this game. Your videos have been a HUGE help and such big entertainment as well! Merry Christmas to ya as well bro!

  3. I just recently bought Phasmophobia and i searched for phasmophobia tips and you came up since then i have watched you and i gotta say i love your content and your explaining of things the simple videos but giving alot of teaching tips! absolutely love it!❤ Much love from Estonia🫡🇪🇪

  4. Personally me and my friends enjoy using the tier 2 headgear as it allows us to hold 3 items while still having a decent flashlight. Its about the same just a bit dimmer than the tier 3? What do you think of the tier 2 headgear?


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