Welcome back to the Phasmophobia Christmas event! The community has finally completed every stage and now it’s time to claim our rewards! This event hasn’t been my favorite, but the Krampus trophy looks awesome.
Become a member here!
I hope you enjoy some final runs on this event!
00:00 – Intro
0:52 – Tanglewood Drive
5:00 – Bleasdale Farmhouse
14:12 – Point Hope
18:22 – Maple Lodge Campsite
25:25 – Outro
Merry Christmas everyone!! I'll probably have 10k (or close to 10k) subs when you see this! Thank you so much ❤
Me and my best friend got this game about 2-3 days ago and we been grinding it but we can’t hardly beat amateur difficulty so I watch your vids to see how to play and because I like that your chill and not always screaming. Also how do you survive the hunt like ik you hide but he always finds me
You should make a series where you speed run apoc 1 on every map
Have a good Christmas Warped, thank you for the great content! 🙂
Big congrats to you on 10000 subs man! Still remember when I found your channel a few months ago and trying to figure out some stuff with this game. Your videos have been a HUGE help and such big entertainment as well! Merry Christmas to ya as well bro!
Merry christmas
merry christmas from italy, thank you for your videos, love the way you play🤌🏻❤️🎉
Congratulations on 10k! Can't wait to see your channel grow further.
Congrats on the 10,3k subs!!! i guess you got this as a present for christmas 😂
Congrats on 10.000 subscribers! 🎉
Don't worry about live streaming right now, we're all happy as possible to get almost daily uploads from you. 🙂
Only found you the last few weeks on your no evidence games. Love the way and style you play and explain your thought process! You’ve been growing fast, you deserve the 10k! Merry Christmas
I just recently bought Phasmophobia and i searched for phasmophobia tips and you came up since then i have watched you and i gotta say i love your content and your explaining of things the simple videos but giving alot of teaching tips! absolutely love it!❤ Much love from Estonia🫡🇪🇪
Personally me and my friends enjoy using the tier 2 headgear as it allows us to hold 3 items while still having a decent flashlight. Its about the same just a bit dimmer than the tier 3? What do you think of the tier 2 headgear?
10k??!! Congrats bro
Just did my first run on Insanity Solo, and guessed it was a Jinn and it was correct, thank you for the knowledge.🎉
Hope you have a great Christmas Warped!! Again, huge congrats on 10k!!! 🥳
Would love to see all the trophies you have in your case one day, too!
Ahh yes the krabussy trophy
Congrats on 10k🎉.I bought phasmo with a friend last week, now we are playing it all day and I watch your videos every evening for more tips and tricks (sorry for my bad english😅)
Do you play with viewers?
You hit 10k buddy congrats !! Been here since the begging 🫶
can someone help me with this question? how do wraped get continues temps with holding the thermo? i mean when i use it i have to hold it for every use but , wraped is easily seeing the temps with holding thing
Congrats on 10k bro i swear you had 2k like a month ago fair play
Merry Christmas and I’m glad to see you growing you deserve it I remember when you only had 1k 🎉🥳
You should try to get a perfect game on every difficulty, even apocalypse if you can. Congrats on 10k!!!
vote for phasmo livestream ✅
Congrats on 10k man🎉🎉 (you should have way more tbh). If you were to start streaming are you gonna do it here, on youtube ?
10k! Cant wait till you get 100k, defo deserve it
do u think u are gonna do a face reveal in the future?
Just wanted to say merry Christmas and thanks for the content hope you have a happy holiday!
I figured it was a shade because a shade will never hunt with you in the ghost room which it didn’t. The crucifix tricked you because of the range but other than that I enjoy watching your gameplay
WHOOOOoooo 10k subs!
Congrats on 10K subscribers!!
Well done on 10k! 🎉🎉🎉 finally man
This channel is a gem bro. Never leave it. You can be the best ytuber in a short time. Subscribed.