Ghost Was a Musician in His Former Life – Phasmophobia Funny #shorts

I’m pretty sure my ghost was a piano player in a former life. Either that, or he’s stuck in the piano. Either way, he’s dinking all the keys a lot. Do your phasmophobia pianos ever play? Maybe you hear other weird phasmophobia sound effects? Microwave anyone? Comment and let me know what weird sounds you hear in your games.

#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame


10 thoughts on “Ghost Was a Musician in His Former Life – Phasmophobia Funny #shorts”

  1. If only ghosts can play more than pressing 1 key.

    Like it can be scary if all of a sudden you hear a crash of tons of keys from the piano, or you start hearing slow keys playing a music then when you get close the lid on the piano slams shut loudly.

    We need ghost events that's more like a horror movie level of suspense, like doors knocking then when you approach it slams shut behind you and you hear giggling as the voice runs away.


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