Ghosts Forgot to Put on Their Nikes | Slow and Steady Weekly Challenge Phasmophobia

Hey friendos, let’s play some Phasmophobia. In today’s video, we complete this week’s challenge “Slow and Steady”. Enjoy!

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

0 Evidence Guide:

Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:

My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:

Connect with me here:

#phasmophobia #maggstor


25 thoughts on “Ghosts Forgot to Put on Their Nikes | Slow and Steady Weekly Challenge Phasmophobia”

  1. Lol I did this last night, no idea what I was walking into… and stupid me tried to hide during the first hunt. Then I got to watch my death happen in slow motion as I got trapped and should have just looped xD it was fun though!

    50% ghost speed, no sanity, 3 evidence, no smudges no pills

  2. I mean the ghost cant kill me if im careful but im too scared to go into his ghost tent cuz im scared its gonna spawn behind me and im gonna scream, thats why i always wait for a hunt and hope it is a ghost i can tell from one hunt😂😂 if not im gonna spam the game again, i got 1 ghost right out of 14😂😂😂. Love your content btw 😀

  3. I think the Moroi is bugged at the moment. I’ve been hunted by a few Morois recently at 0 sanity, with it chasing me and everything, but then it stayed at average speed or only slighly sped up. I thought they were supposed to get stupid fast when they chase a 0 sanity target

  4. maybe for one of your next videos, maybe do the “make a friend” challenge again but on the difficulty you normally play on to have fun with the ouija bored and the other cursed possessions. that would be a banger vid

  5. I was worried at first when I saw there was no hiding and no smudge sticks…then I saw the ghost speed, and I just ran to the opposite side of the map and waited for the hunt to end 🤣

  6. I was playing this with a friend earlier and we kept encountering a bug(???) where the ghost would hunt, whilst we were both in the van. We ended up watching it take a walk from the safe side of the locked gates like… who are you chasing??? there's no one in there???

    Was also the first challenge mode i've ever done, felt like a good safety point to get used to seeing/hearing hunts i've always been too scared to experience on normal modes. I think i'd like to try those settings on a smaller map, cause Camp Woodwind is easier to run around in.

  7. Did this test today and the ghosts my friend and I faced were so annoying because they kept changing their favorite room LMFAO. at one point, the ghost started hunting on the other side of the campsite and my friend backed up into it. was honestly pretty funny. anyway yea tho SUPER easy challenge!


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