Going Full Sherlock Holmes | Detectives Only Weekly Challenge | Phasmophobia

This week’s challenge in Phasmophobia: Detectives Only.

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

0 Evidence Guide:

Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:

My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:

Connect with me here:

#phasmophobia #maggstor


31 thoughts on “Going Full Sherlock Holmes | Detectives Only Weekly Challenge | Phasmophobia”

  1. This challenge was VERY different for my group. Edgefield, we consistently had Monkey Paw, and there was actually evidence! Unsure if we had a broken game but we did complete the Detectives Only challenge. Played about 10 matches to help some new joiners

  2. Hey Maggstor, I think at 6:18 the reason your sanity was so low was because there is a new update where your sanity only doesn't drain if you are like, directly under certain lights (or using a candle). So even though you were hanging out in the light, you weren't close enough to that one bulb to prevent sanity drain while you were hanging out.

  3. So for anyone who wants to know asking for ghost location lowers sanity by 40%. Asking for bone location or how many people/ghost there are will drain sanity by 20%. Asking any of the other questions is 5% each time.

  4. Even though this challenge was sort of up your ally, I was not at all surprised that with full sanity, you wasted no time & just went full beast mode & sent it!

  5. The method of using the Ouija board to figure out through hunts is such good tactic because the ghost interaction is very low… The methodical reduction of sanity to eliminate certain hard ghosts like mare is👌👌

  6. they 100% didnt give willow or tanglewood because they know that crouch looping is in the game, and didnt want you exploting it. cheeky devs…
    (the sanity could be at 200% drain, or 150% because sometimes they add stuff like that for some reason without telling you)

  7. Nice video. I liked your duet. I keep 2nd guessing my initial gut feeling on ghosts for this challenge and then guessing wrong. I got 2/5 attempts so far. Upstairs Twins were fun my first game (successful investigation). Then later I had a banshee that spent 0 time in the ghost room and killed me. I think there's some shenanigans with the settings on this challenge, like max roaming, and possibly 200% drain and increased interactions. Also no UV lights for some reason.

  8. my question is "how", i already finished this challenge with my friend but after seeing your video iam like hoooowwwwwww, the only easy one is when we got orbies and immediately choose the mimic haha

  9. regarding phantom roaming, it might not happen across floors. I do recal a lvl 16k ytber with strong connection to devs saying that for banshee it was intentional that it doesn't stalk across floors. Maybe it's something similar

  10. Thanks to this challange I know that demons can hunt at 80% max sanity and not 70% like most guides say, I was in the truck and it started hunting while my friend was inside.

  11. I keep getting normal ghosts which I'm not good at detecting at all without evidence. 😢 I've gotten 1 Rev. And that's the only one I've been able to guess. 😂 no other fast ghosts, no Phantoms.

  12. Just started playing the game. I'm so glad i found your channel. I only really play with friends and some of the tricks won't work like listening for footsteps hearing is a door is closed or throwing objects because when ppl talking that's not going to happen. Makes it so much harder lol

  13. when me and my friends were doing this challenge, we got 4 mylings in a ROW. it doesn't help that we got each one wrong because it's hard for us to listen in that house


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