My final solo nightmare mode match on the asylum map in Phasmophobia! The asylum will be replaced by sunny meadows, the NEW Phasmophobia Map coming in the NEW Update!
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Let’s go 😂
You’re talking like it’s going away TOMORROW?! you know something we don’t Bush? 😎
Cool. Caught the second half of this on Twitch
Man big Sean sounds like a great guy🤔🤔🤔🖤🖤
Love it , I am not gonna miss your next Twitch emmision !
Hello! I use to wat he your streams but haven't been able to because of school 😅. But how are you??
as a rookie in the game i LOVE the asylum map for the thrill of getting chased in those long hallways with some friends. going to miss it and weirdly have never died on this map.
Asylum is soo big that i and some friends spent like 15 minutes looking for the ghost room in the basement and the ghost was a demon upstairs and hunted like 4 times but nvr got to us and we didnt even hear it lol
its a pain to see you die like that 😔