Got A Little Something On Your Face There – Phasmophobia Stream
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GemmStooooooone you come here young missy😂
Damn I did have something on my face…thanks! luvya Skizz!
16:59 As your video game father, Skizz reserves the right to change your name when he wants. lol
These streams/videos are my absolute favorite. Thank you for being you Skizz!
So glad you guys are doing the big maps! I love a challenge!
Skizzleman 😝 AKA-The Phasmo Bros!!! Watching your content and smashing the like buttons in Tuscaloosa, AL. ♾️ Thanks for the videos🎥 You’re awesome Brother!
Me crocheting
Skizz: There needs to be a bone detector…
Me side-eyes laptop screen
i’m on vacation HHN in Florida so sadly couldn’t watch the stream live, but excited to watch the VOD to fall asleep <3
I saw the little blue dot on your face and went Skimi! Don't know what that is but I guess that's your name now
The door touch skizz heard was 100% a double door touch ability. He was correct in thinking it was a Yurei without even understanding what had just happened. 😂
Hey Skizz, just got done ordering the Skizzleman and ImpulseSV makeship plushies. They will go great with my Tango Tek. I have the Arizona hermits set now!
Bring tons of Lincoln Logs and donate to an orphange or childrens hospital afterwards.
That farmhouse ghost was very protective of her pickles.
Love y’all playing phasmo ❤
3:19:04 This is probably my favourite part lol. From Skizz keeping the doors open to his and Grian's impressions of Shaggy and Scooby.
@skizzlemanlive3471 I have the same GAN cube and I use the same method as you. I just did 1:10.7s! You're challanged, let's go!
Hey skizz, I work nightshift so I am an avid VOD watcher. Last night was a music night though and ended up listening to a lot of tool. I’ve always been into rock and alternative music but it was cool listening to a band that I know means so much to you and I immediately thought of you when they came on the rock station I was listening to
The comments saying Skizz is the favorite ghost are awesome.
I love that you're also a How Ridiculous fan, that is a colab I would enjoy too much
Grian: Learn? What is there left to learn?
Also Grian 10 min into his first hunt: what?! You can use the spirit box while it is on the floor?
“Oh I mean goodbye! GOODBYE!!! AAAAAAAAH” -Skizz 1:17:54
I love the Phasmo stuff but the large maps are so boring
There needs to be 2 ghosts on the bigger maps that would make it more
of a fun challenge like on upstairs and one downstairs