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Continue this game please!
Y'all all have the cutest thumbnails
If they lock the front door hide and don’t speak till a like a minute after otherwise they will go toward the noise and light.
That symbol writing in the book is a real satanic symbol for Lucifer, this game seems fun.
why everyone have those potato mics? you would think youtubers could get better audio equipment
Me watching at 3am knowing damn well imma have nightmares:👁💧👄💧👁
This scared me so bad
I spat my coke when the ghost popped out of the fucking car.😂LMFAO
Omg this had me weak😂😂😂 love the content sir squirrel
Delirious did not enjoy th e spirit realm.
I love it
Who ever your thumb nail artist is they did a pretty good job for your thumb nail
Squirrel you look so cute in the thumbnail
4:08 you guys are dealing with the devil if it wrote those signs
Love the 'spirited away' nod in the thumbnail 😄
U guy make my day because I'm always sad
They got pinned to the door
First off the old lady in he thumbnail is from Howls Moving Castle
The second i saw what was in the book i knew that was a demonic haunting xD
“It write”
Yo squirrel you spelled haunting wrong
That sigh was brimstone so that means she is a demon, i know that bc in the game of binding of isaac there is a item called brimstone that let you shoot bloody lasers from your mouth
Why you do facecam
9:47 she legit called you a bitch 🤣
There’s only one thing that’s scarier than being hunted and/ or haunted by a ghost. Being huanted by a ghost. PANICCCCCC