Hide and Seek: Hide! Weekly Challenge | Phasmophobia

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

0 Evidence Guide:

Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:

My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:

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#phasmophobia #maggstor


17 thoughts on “Hide and Seek: Hide! Weekly Challenge | Phasmophobia”

  1. These weekly's need a higher reward. lesser experienced players will not play these for just 5000. IF you include the fact some people can make more than 5000 in just a few professional runs in less time.

  2. My first ghost was a stinky mimic that was only mimicking regular speed ghosts so I had to get all 4 evidence. Second ghost was a nice mimic that was mimicking a bunch of really obvious ghosts. Third ghost I ended up getting freezing and writing with regular hunting speed (so between shade and demon only) and it didn't do a single thing for 4 minutes when I went inside the ghost room.
    Love Willow, it's my favorite map for 0 sanity runs.

  3. My sister and I play together, and our first game was a Deo who came after me in my hiding, our second was also a Deo that went after her in her hiding, and our third was a Hantu that spawned on top of her after eventing and gave her a face hug. 🤣 Still got the reward tho.

  4. @Maggstor I just got the gold apocalypse challenge!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I had a revenant down the East hallway. My internet died in the middle of the run, and I had to finish it connected to my mobile hotspot 😅 as a bonus it gave me all three trophies since I hadn’t completed bronze or silver yet 😁

  5. "we love the lack of variety, we live for it" 😂😂 I did the weekly challenge yesterday, 3 different ghost! Sometimes it'll happen, sometimes it won't. Actually it was in this challenge where i finally looped the ghost and live to tell the tale! 😊 By the way… Maggs you're the best!

  6. My first ghostie was a Hantu (I thought it was no evidence, but it was kind enough to leave a handprint on a door while hunting and I could tell by the speed what it was), second one was a Goryo I sadly didn't guess correctly, third one was a Revenant (pretty obvious speed) and the last one was a Phantom stalking me the whole game while I was struggling to figure out what it was. I'm not good at looping (might train it a little with this weekly), so I had to guess by behaviour and as I didn't see an orb and I had UV, I guessed it was a Phantom and left.
    Annoying weekly for me, but I got it done.

  7. Your zero evidence guide helped me so much, I was finally able to get my bronze trophy.
    We absolutely refuse to talk about how my first attempt at my silver trophy ended up in disaster after my stupid brain decided to get out of the office next to the reception where I was looping the DEO (In my defense, I was looping around the chairs and I saw it was getting closer but I didn't see that it was looping between the desk and the chairs and I panicked) and I when I realized I wouldn't have anywhere to loop it , instead of turning left and just taking it for a walk, my brain said "Oh, let's loop it around the rows of chairs in the waiting room" only to realize THERE ARE NO HOLES IN THE ROW OF CHAIRS.
    And I died.
    But we don't talk about that attempt…


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