How To GET YOUR SANITY with the OUIJA BOARD | Phasmophobia

The Ouija Board in Phasmophobia just got updated with more questions and will now let you figure out your sanity range. This video will show you, how you can do that.

IMPORTANT: Sanity drop on all unsuccessful questions was changed to 5% instead of 10%. The ‘Where are you Question was also changed to a 40% drop instead of 50%

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27 thoughts on “How To GET YOUR SANITY with the OUIJA BOARD | Phasmophobia”

  1. At this point the ouiji board should probably just be made equipment you can buy and bring, with changes made to it regarding the ghost location questions. The fact that there's a difficulty where it's borderline mandatory, and as such it always drops on that difficulty, creates an inconsistency that bugs me. Furthermore, it seems to me that it could be made much more interesting if the developers focused on it as a legitimate tool of the group rather than a random spawn on most difficulties. Given the game's much-vaunted voice interaction, it seems odd that it would be a random spawn anyway.

    The way I see it: The team can have its own ouija board supplied by Ghost Huntin' corp. It operates the same as existing ouija boards. The map can randomly spawn its own ouija board and still be used to get money via pictures as the presence of a ouija board suggests that occult activity was taking place before the team ever arrived, and they would want to document that (if for nothing else than to calculate the bill.)

    Perhaps there would be cases where the identity of the ghost is unknown. In these cases, there may be documents regarding property owners and family members that the van guy could be tasked to go through. Some of these might be looked up on the computer, some may be in a file cabinet. The team can ask questions of the ghost to narrow down its identity based on these documents, with the distinct possibility that it's a completely foreign spirit not in any way tied to the recent history of the property. Successfully identifying the ghost would be worth extra money. Of course, messing with the ouija board should carry the risks of agitating the ghost depending on its personality, leading up to quite explosive consequences if the team doesn't practice a certain level of care.

    This would actually give a reason for questions like "how many people have you killed," "How old are you," etc. The kind of thing newbs spam at the board which frustrate some vets because they're irrelevant in the current state of the game.

  2. "Am I insane?" -50% in case of success
    Answer: yes / maybe / no

    "How insane am i?" -5% in case of success
    Answer: not very (50-100%) / very(25-50%) / insane (below 25%)

    "How's / what's my sanity?" -5% in case of success
    Answer: healthy (80-100%) / good(60-80%) / average (40-60%) / bad(20-40%) / awful(below 20%)

    Also thank you Psycho, super helpful as always ❤️

  3. I probably just won't bother with nightmare mode until they make the new personalities. Honestly, there are too many ghosts at this point, and most are them are lame. Get rid of like 8 of the boring ghosts, stop making new ghost types, and just spend most of the time/effort on making new maps and I think people will be much happier.

    Also, what ever happened to upgradeable items? They were showing them off a few.months ago, now there's radio silence.

  4. I tried this out on professional mode (I had already gotten all my evidence, etc and figured, I'd just try out the new questions for fun, as it was my last map of the night). I took pills, bringing my sanity up to 100% before testing it out. I asked "How's my sanity," and it spelled out "healthy." I went back to the truck….and my sanity was at 50%. xD (This was on Tanglewood, btw, so it's not like I had very far to walk, especially since I was at the front door). So…Idk if it's not meant to work on professional mode (which makes sense, since the display boards aren't broken)…or if it's glitched. On a side note, I do appreciate the ouija board spelling faster.

  5. Hi Psycho I think someone had also found out another "ability" of the Obake.
    In one of the rounds, the fingerprint evidence that the players got was the 5-fingered left hand. We all know If it is a 6 fingered hand, it is guaranteed Obake. This time, after the 3rd/4th hunt, the players found another left handed fingerprint, but this time, the handprint was more like that of "claw marks", or the print looked like it was a smeared handprint. It was left-handed and has 5 fingers, so everyone thought that it is not an Obake at first. By the time the round ended, the actual ghost type was that of an Obake.

    Now I can't remember in Insym's playthrough with the dev if this was mentioned though.

  6. This might be a stupid question, but I'm still asking it. When you ask these questions the one it will tell you is the average sanity, not your own sanity right?

  7. New 100%safe location found: if you walk between the white storage tent and the purple small tent near where the old bug was found you can get behind it and the ghost can’t get you. 🙂 CJ is going to have to try harder than that to prevent me from breaking the game

  8. Now the board is broken. If you have minimized the game, the board will not work. To fix it, you need to minimize the game before communicating with the board and expand it by clicking on the icon at the bottom, on the taskbar. When I didn't know about it, the board didn't work 5 times in a row, and now it responds perfectly all the times. And don't forget to put the cursor on the board (Right mouse button) and say "Goodbye" at the end


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