How to Protect your Friends on ASYLUM! – LVL 2960 Phasmophobia

I ACTUALLY DIDN’T FAIL THIS TIME! I protected my team (kind of)! Are you proud of me? You better be! This was really fun! I really enjoy playing Phasmophobia with some newer players because it leads to these exciting situations. I know I can trust myself not to die, but I can’t trust others not to die hahaha I hope you enjoy my public lobby adventures! I love it!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch


48 thoughts on “How to Protect your Friends on ASYLUM! – LVL 2960 Phasmophobia”

  1. NOOOOOO, my death 😩😩 I was hoping you forget about uploading this, dang it, I thought we were friends insym 😭😭

    Ps. The level of cringe thooooo😂😂

  2. I don't understand how one person can be THIS sweet all the time. He can swear at ghosts and everything else but as soon as he plays with someone or somebody in the chat said something, cheered or subscribed, he's the sweetest person ever 🙂

  3. Me: wants to learn how to protect people in asylum
    Also me: is bad a phasmo
    Also also me: I’ll probably never play asylum
    Also also also me: I’ll be the first one to die if I play asylum

  4. Hardest challenge in the game so far:
    Look only up( you can only pick your first 3 items, after you pick them you have to look up and won't be able to change)
    Or you can just do straight only looking up.
    Hope this is a very interesting challenge😊

  5. I always tell my girlfriend to leave the flashlight but she never listen to mee!! She thinks that I leave my flashlight to be cool! hahaha And is just for the space.

  6. Big maps like Asylum sometimes may be good when for example you're all the way on the left side of the hall from the van and then the ghost starts hunting but it spawns in like the last room of the basement when that happens you are literally so safe. Keep up the great content!

  7. My friends died Pt. 3 INCOMING! Let's gooo!!!

    (That's me before the video starts. Mentioning this in case of misunderstandings. Have a nice and safe day, everybody 😉 ).


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