How to SURVIVE the NEW HUNTS in Phasmophobia [ADVANCED GUIDE]

In this guide you will learn surviving hunts in Phasmophobia after the new patch. I’ve done some extensive testing and going to show you all the details you need to know about the hunts.

0:00 Intro
0:32 Hunt Changes in latest Patch
4:28 Hunt Speed Test
6:43 What Ghosts can’t do during hunts
7:22 Hunts Tips & Tricks

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Music Credits:
Freelancer – Streambeats


44 thoughts on “How to SURVIVE the NEW HUNTS in Phasmophobia [ADVANCED GUIDE]”

  1. I just had my first ghost chase where it didn't involve me dying… a Demon nearly got the jump on me. If it wasn't for the sprint mechanic, I would've died.

  2. I have been using the EMF reader as well to detect where the ghost is usually on the map, leaving one in the ghost room and the other in my preferred hiding spot. It's pretty creepy when they walk right in front of my hiding spot and then the EMF starts to fluctuate like crazy (I drop it on the floor of my hiding spot while it's active).

  3. Learned the hard way that the ghost can sense flashlights. Ran all the way from the boy's bedroom on Ridgeview, to the locker in the garage. 15 seconds later I became past tense and my friends didn't realize it for a hot minute because of how out of the way I was.

    Also the humming they do is the creepiest shit ever, dimmed flashlight, flickering lights in a mostly dark hallway, and you hear humming getting closer and closer while you struggle to run. Almost feels like a bad dream in a way.

  4. The Glass door going from the kitchen into the garage in the Willow Street House no longer works to hide behind. At least not as well. The ghost gets me pretty quick every time I hide there now. That use to be my go to place to get an easy picture of the ghost since the camera clips through the door.

  5. You're absolutely sure photo cameras count as electronics?
    I've been doing some testing with them all week, hiding in or next to the ghost room with it in hand and just cannot get it to come kill me.
    I'm not saying you are wrong, it's just the only item I cannot personally get the ghost to home in on.

    I'd also like to know any experiences you've had with ghosts coming to the front door during a hunt while somebody is immediately outside of the house holding an electronic. I have to assume they thought of this and the ghost doesn't factor in anyone outside the building, but anecdotally, I have had several ghosts come up to me while I stand right outside the door with an electronic and then sort of 'break' pursuit after not being able to path to me and wander off.

  6. amazing guide but you may wanna retest the door hiding. Since now they can get you through of the hiding spots you've shown before. and yes, even if you say ghosts can't hear your foot steps, this seems to be quite the opposite for me and my friends when the ghost was hunting. ether we're just unlucky or its a bug, we don't know.
    We were on Ridgeview and hid in a closet, when we knew the ghost wasn't within our area we actually ran to a new closet [using the new running feature] to get farther away from the room. but once that happened, it came right to our location and opened the door instantly. another thing is even swapping items to put them away like camera's is also a no go. it may be put away, but its still active on your person which still seemed to have attracted the ghost. before this update, I've always ended up getting killed. but only in this new update. Still love the guide tho! just hope these are bugs that need fixing, since anything "I" do alerts the ghost, even when I don't have anything on me, being quiet, and only a smudge stick/lighter

    As for radios. That is a yes and no since we've seen it go after someone hiding with nothing on and triggered someone triggered the radio then moments later, they died. not saying its true they hear it, it sometimes happens, and sometimes doesn't. [and no not cause of the new ghost that can only hear within 2 meters] we were watching from there headcam feed and they weren't holding anything ether. just hiding in a simple locker. its ether a bug or maybe not clarified even if someone says its not true. i still don't attempt to use the radio since i don't take the risk.

  7. NEW VIDEO LETS GOOOO. Was super lucky to see the footage for this recorded live. Would recommend any YouTube viewers to check out his twitch stream. It's super fun and a great time. ❤️

  8. Seeing the beginning clip makes me think of how much we need dead players to have unlimited sprint. If we can’t interact besides throwing we might as well be able to zoom around

  9. Have an idea! If a hunt starts, the main door/door to get outside of the house would usually be locked during a hunt right? So you need another player who will be a operator and sitting in the Van. He need to place on Camera in front of the main door and needs to look at the door when the Sanity of the team is dangerously low. When he sees that the door is locked, he needs alert the other team members. While the others trying to survive, the operator goes to the locked door and try to open it. When the door is open, the hunt is over.

  10. are they able to hear you running out of breath from those three seconds of running??? i swear my friend got grabbed because of it but we’re not completely sure because it’s such a new feature

  11. I made a list so I don't have to look at the journal and found out that some evidence rule out others. For ex: If you have the box than you don't have a freezing ghost because at the moment there is no ghost with freezing and box. other ex is if you have orbs then you won't get emf5

  12. I played several games today and was struggling to get an evidence. The only evidence we got was ghost writing. And when we tried to repetitively get evidence we’d just end up getting hunted and die. Any tips?

  13. regarding the last tip. you probably know it already, but I checked and they have fixed hiding behind doors and talking during a hunt. now the ghost actually kills you no matter what there. Before they would literally go inside you and not see you


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