A video in which I explain how a parabolic microphone works and how you can find ghosts with it!
Remember you are looking for a room with consistent noise around you in all directions. This equipment needs ghost activity to trigger sound level responses so it might be difficult to find anything on the mic during set up phase on amateur or intermediate difficulties. be sure to follow me and subscribe on youtube for updates!
When you come for the spooky ghosts but stay for the spooky math.
LMAO I loved this! Gosh, this thing is awful, good to know I shouldn't be trying to find the ghost with it. Also, 2 weeks trying to make this work? That is commitment!
Lost it when I saw chip skylark
this channel is going to get big
100 subs away from 1k! You got this 😀
Can you do an analysis on the ghosts behavior? Would be super helpful especially for bigger maps
Hewwo! Found your videos on Phasmophobia (like many it seems xD) and I really like them! They are not "professional" but still really good quality! I like your cutting, your written tips, your audio! Everything is really good and enjoyable!
Just wanted to let you know! <3
Is it possible that the microphone show the distance to the sound-source? (or at least it's suppose to)
When you're not in the room it shows high numbers and if you are it shows low numbers? Probably just bugged tbh, but maybe it actually is suppose to show distance
So this thing is shit. Thx for the info
so…your guide is…to not use the paraboilic it…LOL
i hope they add some new things to the game soon – not sure what else to do with the game but it still fun though
The quick answer is that you can’t use the parabolic microphone
Can you hear your dead friends with it?
Exactly where it belongs…. on the ground. Some day we will get it to work.
Your How to Videos are actually so helpful! Thank you so much!
These tutorials are extremely helpful, thank you! It's a shame the parabolic microphone is crap, because I love the feel of swinging it around in VR – it is pretty iconic as ghost-hunting equipment goes.
It would be really helpful to have a tutorial/general tips on how to survive when the ghost hunts (e.g. predicting where they will come from, where to hide, how to use smudge sticks)! My current reaction is generally to panic and die.
Omg her Voice so good to listen
Will you do a gameplay on this game?
Imo the parabolic microphone needs a lil bit of work
wNot to mention that it blocks nearly half of your screen DxMost of the equipment is broken now and devs have no intent to fix any of it. example my thermometer was showing 16.7c but i had freezing breath. Fail. Yesterday I played went to every room and surface it stayed at 13.7c. Spirit box- i asked a question in the ghost room got no response so went to swap emf for uv light, as i left the house i got a response. Tripod ,if placed in certain spots cannot be moved
Wait a minute, the car alarm can go off? I've never seen that happen
You're trash
This is something I would never use yet I bought 4 of them lol
In my experience, I find that the microphone is best used in the School and Asylum (and likely the prison once that comes out) to find the general direction of the ghost. It's not good for finding exactly where the ghost is. Make sure you don't jerk around your microphone too much as its readings are a bit delayed.
Extremely well put together tutorial. Thank you very much for sharing.
😂🤣 those math gifs were perfect 0:49
THANK YOU for this!!!
Honestly I like the microphone if I'm having a fun run. It is more fun than the usual EMF + Thermometer strats. I'll grab the microphone plus a video camera (or photo camera if I'm hunting bone/ouija fast) and then sprint around looking for any sign of activity. Asking for a sign the entire time.
Is it better than thermometer or EMF? Sometimes. Is it reliable? NOPE. Too many downsides to be considered a strong item, but as far as a change of pace I highly recommend using it for the ghost room hunt. If I get above 5.0 while playing multiplayer I let the team know and thats about all I can do.
Solo I'll run the microphone and EMF. If I start hearing noises on the microphone I'll swap to the EMF and run towards the noise and hope for a reading 🙂
So far I've only been lied to once by both EMF and parabolic microphone (Foyer is where they went off, ghost was in the utility room in tanglewood)
What about a team pact about not making a sound and all using parabolic? xD
I always wondered how i looked with my vr set on, now i know but will have general anxiety as of how people see me.
Yeah never understood this tool up until now 😂 it's so useless
Stood in the prison watching objects getting thrown and prison doors open.. 0. Beginning to think its just broken. And just to confirm, freezing temperatures also gave away I was in the right location. Has anyone had any luck with it and can demonstrate it actually finding a ghost, not just picking up light switches and doors you or another player is using.
kinda enjoyed that video. I guess I'll sub
When you watched how to use the parabolic microphone after the thermometer nerf
So my use of it (not using it at all) is the correct one. Nice to know.
Tripog and Pogabolic strats are too op.
Maybe the guy in the truck can see something on the map if a team mate used the thing