‘Tis the season, for Horror Games, of course! Phasmophobia is a game that the boys haven’t dipped into too much, but there is one instance! Slip, duel, Htial, and Jericho all jump into Phasmophobia together for some shenanigans.
Check out the highlight video from this stream made by beefy! (https://www.twitter.com/surberus)
* This video was originally streamed on October 30, 2021. The video is presented as is from time of original stream and is unedited.
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Please do more Phasmophobia streams. It's so much fun
OH MY?! Anyone else remember this in the Highlights video?
Probably the scariest nL video IMO…
Don't really care for the solo streams I like these ones when there's more than 2 of them in the call
The best team of Ghost Hunters ever. Teamwork at its finest. Lol
1:41:50 Hunting Australians
Really hope they play this again after all the updates since 2021
i was hoping this was the halloween upload. hell yeah.
I love this channel so much.
Duel fears for his life and instantly resorts to hitting on the ghost