I Almost Died to the NEW HANTU so You Don't Have to – Phasmophobia NEW UPDATE

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find the new hantu which has received a change to its hidden ability. However it is still so absolutely useless that you should never use it to find out the ghost. So I put myself in danger to find it so you don’t have to. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8


46 thoughts on “I Almost Died to the NEW HANTU so You Don't Have to – Phasmophobia NEW UPDATE”

  1. Strangely, I was thinking about the Hantu last night and thought that its hability should be that instead of speeding up, it should slowy slowdown the player in cold room (and the player speed slowly returns to normal in warm room). For the player it would be a change of mindset because you don't have to focus only on the ghost behaviour but also on yourself condition.

  2. I came back to this game after a while, but this game is unplayable… On my rtx (either on lowest or highest settings) I am experiencing low framerates and stutters, to the point the game freezes every time I load a map, and ghost does crazy sh*t… Not only that, I've tried to play it, but it's too challenging, dying every time. Last game I have tried everything in the ghost room, but zero evidences except freezing temperatures. Though, I know how to play this game (I've played it a lot year ago), even on normal difficulty or easy game likes to just spawn a ghost right where I stand and kill me instantly. Sad for me, truly wanted to enjoy christmas event, but it's not working either, we tried everything and watched some videos on youtube, but nothing workes with the cookies

  3. I love how you don't clickbait in the title. Like if it was "I almost DIED to the NEW HANTU so you DON'T HAVE TO" it'd be super annoying and baiting, but all that's emphasized is the interesting part of the video and I really appreciate that.

  4. Insym, can you please do an updated ghost guide (like their abilities and weaknesses) for us new players and also some tips for no evidence runs? I tried those but i don’t quite understand enough yet😅

  5. Thanks for these short videos, many of us don't really have time to watch long videos, but I guess the long videos are fine because youtube has a resume feature.

  6. It's a pity that they blocked Russian IPs and because of this I can't get an exclusive trophy, card and badge. The developers wrote that people tried to use VPN, but unfortunately this did not help me.

  7. Insym: I'm crazy so I'm gonna do this so you don't have to.
    what Insym really meant: I have enough money that I can reload and retry this 11ty times and not worry about getting killed. You shouldn't do this because the devs are now taxing your custom earnings at 80% like some damn commies.

  8. The only time I ever saw the Hantu's breath was playing Nightmare on Edgefield.

    The ghost room was the laundry room. The hunt started and as it was crossing the threshold into the kitchen it let out a puff of fog and that was how I was able to figure the ghost type.


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