Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we finally do the MEGA CHALLENGE for level 8000! This time we have made it a LOT more difficult. I will be doing almost every challenge on Nightmare mode… I really hope you enjoy! This was a ton of work but we had to earn level 8000 properly! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Starter items on Willow: 00:00
No evidence on Tangle: 16:20
No Sanity on Maple Lodge: 37:03
Thief Simulator on Ridgeview: 1:01:40
No Electronics on Bleasdale: 1:29:57
Chat=Ears on Prison: 1:51:36
8ball Randomizer on Edgefield: 2:35:32
Photo Randomizer on High School: 2:51:23
Locked in on Grafton: 3:01:32
Candle Only on Asylum: 3:12:22
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.2.1
I was there!
I’ve yet to see this dude die when playing seriously man is kinda cracked at this game
4h holy fck
Hey! You should play GhostWire: Tokyo
It's pretty cool game
Can anyone explain yokai test to me? For what I know yokai can hear u and ur equipment during hunts and follow that lead. But insym did talk and the ghost din't rly follow that, insym also said it eventually came in (as in ramdonly), but then it's not a negative test for yokai? The ghost didn't follow his voice
Can't wait for the Lv.10000 challenge
The best phasmaphobia player
Nightmare Asylum Starter Items only multiplayer
You probably will not read this, but I will try anyway: here is an idea for multimap challenge – you can not use items (except flashlight and photocameras) that you have already used in previous maps. For example: play all small maps, and if you use spirit box on first map, you can not use it on other 5
10 Videos in 1
How do you find a ghost's place of death ?
What if you did a no evidence, no sanity, photo randomizer. The ultimate challenge Or just no evidence n photo randomizer the no sanity might make me impossible
Lvl 8000! Congrats. Road to 10k before the wipe👏👏
Yurei speedruns on point, never though the school would be that fast.
No evidence should always be on nightmare to stop the use of activity chart for evidence
Hey Insym can you clarify something for me?
I just played a game, had a spirit… It wrote in the book but then later on it threw the book and i managed to get an interaction photo. Isn't it supposed to mean its not Writing if it throws the book?
Chat = Ears was SO funny. I've missed that challenge
I recommend you to play Devour you gonna like it
Fun Fact: Insym is Boyfriend Material.😇
Hey Insym, could you do a video explaining each ghost types behavior and how to difference them like updated version of the old one. and some tips and tricks too
Imagine how evil CJ would be if they do the level reset when Insym is at 9999
Are we gonna see real life ghost hunting from insym 🙂
Hopefully yeas tho that is bit duff to stream 🙁
today i was playing phasmo and i turned on the lights and the ghost immediately turned them off so i asumed it was a mare, but them i found the 3rd evidence and it was a polter. wtf-
15lvl short but ALMOST lmao. you can say you almost have 500k gold
1:29:57 i like the Amish Ghostbusters 😀
2:11:49 Yes defenetly. I had a game on Prison and I had cafeteria too. It was multiplayer we were 4 and all of my teammates died and I did the whole game alone. I got chain-hunted and it was terrifying. What a spooky experience. 😀
Honestly I love insym now
I loved that no sanity challenge and this hot spicy is perfect
Makes this more fun is that I am alone (kinda) in my house totaly plitch black
And I hear footsteps or objects jalling upstairs while I am downstrair
I love this so mutch atm
It took me a while to click the video cause I thought it was the 7000 one, it’s insane how quickly you push out these fun videos. Thanks again!
This video is like a basket of apples I pock one when want some asylum and one when I want high school and other maps lmao.
Seeing him without headset on is so cursed idk why tho. Im so used to him with the headset on
I had twins in the kitchen on Tangle the other day and if I hadn't spent forever watching the camera it would have been hard to find out.
One was in the kitchen/laundry room and the other was in the dining room which was annoyingly hard to tell apart
"Did the ghost vaporize or something?"
:O the ghost was a ghost all along?!
Man that part on maple where you sung-hummed with the music was super relaxing, you should do a full cover with it.
I just wanted to say that I truly enjoy all of your videos no matter which game you play. Would love to see Project Zomboid again 🙂