I Did Something Crazy and Almost Died – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! Today we do something kind of crazy on High School. Instead of finding the room normally I thought I’d instantly drop my sanity to 0 to get hunted and find the ghost room that way. And it ACTUALLY WORKED! This was an awesome ghost and I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Join the community discord: https://discord.gg/insym

Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.1.1


26 thoughts on “I Did Something Crazy and Almost Died – Phasmophobia”

  1. I don't play Phasmophobia but Insym convinced me it was a Mare but didn't convince himself. I only had what Insym was saying, however it sounded like a. a Mare can't do stuff with Lights on except turn lights off or disable breaker, b. the ghost room is too large for the ghost to reach the light source since it'd need to travel through another lit room. Whilst, also based on Insym, the Poltergeist, a. likes to throw stuff… that's it. We only saw like one instance of something being thrown and other than that a relatively passive ghost unless lights were out in which case it hunted back to back in very quick succession multiple times.

  2. My friends and I had a ghost in the chapel who was an absolute monster (we were on professional), it was a wandering ghost and made all the hallways cold (9-12 range while the rooms in the school were 20+). We didn’t get the room until it killed 2 of us and our group sanity was 0. It was so incredibly hard to get out of the area because it kept hunting and the chapel is at the very back of the second floor. I can’t remember what ghost it was but it was freezing temperatures. It absolutely destroyed us lmaooo

  3. They should make the summoning circle light itself up with time or something like that. Maybe keep it for nightmare or future custom difficulties but I think it would be fun if the cursed possessions weren't totally controlled by the player (they are cursed so makes sense to me)

  4. I remember having a Shade in the basement of Ridgeview when playing with my husband. That dude did absolutely NOTHING, even when only one person or no one was there, at 0 sanity. We watched the activity board for like 5 minutes straight and it was a complete flatline, it had so many items around and the missing evidence was EMF 5, it was impossible to get. After 30 minutes we just figured it must be a Shade and left, the summary said yes, Shade, mission time 32 minutes, 0 ghost events, 9 hunts, 6 interactions…

  5. *SPOILER*

    I knew it was Mare lol. Mares are more likely to choose turning off lights as an interaction, which it did a ton. Also, aren't Mare's faster in the dark? It reached Insym extremely fast from the ghost room when he was hunted downstairs, even before making line of sight.

  6. Added to my Steam Wish-list thread: the desire for possible half reward or more if you eliminate enough ghosts as possible.

    A way to cross out ghosts like you cross out evidence. So like cross out spirit or yurei as soon as they fail a test.

    Two possible ghosts, guess the wrong one – 50% reward
    Three – 40%
    Four – 30%
    Five – 20%
    Six – 10%
    Seven or More – no reward.

  7. 10:01 if you where the ghost. This is your reality lets say you have your mind. Don't know what the h- is going on. This random solo ghost hunter busts in. You've KILLED a team of them before and this guy just… suddenly breaks out into a conversation with unseen people, talking about like hubs, different modes, which rooms are the hardest all of which is so out of the blue to you. How would you handle it? I'd hunt him… right when he began talkin in the room.


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