We bring back the scariest game ever!
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👨🏻🍳 Awesome Video Editor ► Russell
👨🏼🎨 Awesome Thumbnail Maker ► Flash
🎶 Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
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Thanks for watching!
Play it again
Sigils and henwy oof
Ssundee: emf level 5 doesn’t notice it and doesn’t put it in the evidence
Me: Are you a dum dum or just forgot lol
My like button is white i’m not truly not Scared but I still like👍🏾
im waching this at 3am
You said if I’m not scared press the like button and it turns blue but my like button turned in to a black one
I heard the halloween theme music, is that the game or video?
The Intro Made Me Laugh To Death 🤣
Day 78,682 of waiting for ssundee to realize that the like button no longer turns blue.
ssundee we need more money to bie more plastashens
Can you please upload another phasmophobia video
We want more of this please vr please it is funny that your scared of this game
My like booton turn black
5 EMF I run from my tablet cause I'm scared if it got possessed
play phasmaphbia plssssssssssssssssssssss
I dont like it when people dont fully understand games but i still dont care your reactions are amazing
can you do another one
in the other video u did of this game the dirty water was in a sink in the garage.
I played this in vr once it was sccccrrrr
When there was the shadow I did not get scared even if I,m 7 years old
I'm cerd I'm I dot lack ghoo
Make more phasmophobia
We need more
Pls play this again
I love your vids
at 7:50 the sound Henwy makes r just … no
Only the people that watched this video when it just got uploaded will remember that the title of this video was actually "Rip my friends (Phasmophobia)" Like this comment if you knew this.
Do it again or start a series
again pls
please play it in vr
Siggles: Ian staple
me: Ssundee is a staple
look very closly at the foot of the door, the basket ball that Ian looked at and tried to pick up was there, and it wasn't there before 2:40
Uhhhh the like button didn't turn blue it turned white what does that mean
Thats Not A Motion Sencor. A Motion Sencor Has 2 Light Bolbs. And When A Ghost Walks Past It. It Completes The Objective. Just A Reminder.
Thats wasn’t a motion sensor that was an infered one
how come when i search the game on my touchscreen chrome book it only shows tips and starters but not the game to play? Pleas help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do more of this
I can watch this game for 10 hours do more!
I love foot feet
My like butter tunrs black
I mean I really kept waiting for the third video of phasmaphobia for SOOOOOO long man ssundee
Ssundee if u can hear me plz film a part 3 plz
wait the like button turned black………. oh no
oh wait its actually pretty cute