We spent a lot of time in the asylum in Phasmophobia and we finally catched it! The new Asylum secret. Come and help to figure out the clues!
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What do you think the clues mean? Let's brainstorm!
that's nearly 3 years… perhaps something special coming in 2023?
Psycho, what do you think about the new layout for ridgeview?
Sunny Meadows? Sounds like a Hotel/Vacation Place.
Maybe a hint to a summer update? Awesome video as always Psycho; Thanks for showing this off!
69th like. Cool video!!
Nice! Did you think about all of this by yourself, or did you talk with others and brainstorm?
The Asylum will be Rewened and Add a New Feature, Where they're are Districts and One of them will be Sunny Meadows and A Huge Secret will be Unveiled or Put New Maps and Adding Day and Night Time Modein September 3 2023, Note: This is Just my Opinion on what could happen in the next 1080 Days, and also September 18 2020 + 1080 Days = September 3 2023
Hoping it is a new map, but maybe more of a Hospital; smaller than HS or Asylum and hopefully not as run down as well.
What about the map in the van?
Unlikely, but could days or other parts of this be a clue to when phas gets its 1.0 update? Also, does the bar code actually lead to anything?
They were transferred between asylums, maybe it's a sience lab or hospital, at least that's what I get out of "Patient"
Sunny Meadows does sound like a hospital
Edit: it is also the name of a farm in Missouri, this would make sense for someone getting out of an asylum, like a retirement
Edit 2: it's also a retirement home sounding name, which I also see when I looked up the name, neither of this are an asylum 2.0 tho, I think we're getting a Hospital
Maybe it will be the new Asylum map? Considering that they want to remove a wing and make it a bit smaller.
This is the twins ghost being healed and joining the team like it said in the patch notes
Thank you so much for the video Psycho! I am definitely leaning towards a new hospital map or asylum, because she needs to leave the current asylum and " get better" somewhere else.
i would love to have some deep, fleshed out lore for phasmo. That would bring a new level of depth to the game
New map in the mountains ? Like a medium sized cottage would be epic
I really hope the new map is a psychiatric hospital so we can learn more about the new grudge ghost. Or maybe get some more hidden lore about the other ghost models.
If this is how they tease new content im all for it
This is so cool! It's like the hidden messages in the lobby that said they were under the cabin. I love these hidden easter eggs!
Awesome find Psycho!!!
Sunny meadows might be like an abandoned mental hospital that used to be for patients in rehab?
Wow congrats Psycho! I was watching your stream this afternoon (Lloowee) and when I had to leave, you were grabing the UV light. I'm so happy you found this. I love easter eggs. I admire the perseverance and the sense of observation you showed today. Now my best guess is there will be a light house (the new easter egg in maple and there's the picture of a light house since forever in the lobby) and now a new beach house maybe? Or maybe it's the new asylum name? Congrats again for finding this.
I hope its lore. The patch that updated the ghost writing book added some horrifying implications. That you are helping these poor souls move on.
phasmophobia lore
I was watching your stream when you were trying to figure this out. I gotta say, I applaud your dedication and determination on finding this. Well done 👍
woah HOW do you even see that patient 07 thing, what a cool easter egg thing
Good Stuff! man i was hoping you'd get this one!
Did they maybe add a picture of sunny meadows in one of the smaller maps? Is there maybe another clue in other maps?
If you would go there again, will there still be 1080? If it would be less, then you might know what kind of time it is.
I don't even want to imagine what they wrote that in to make it glow in the UV light… XD
Man you got that up fast. Great work Psycho!!
Also!! There is a sunny meadows asylum in the Evil Dead series! Maybe that’s the new asylum?
Such a cool find and great video! You’ve started a conversation Psycho, nice 👍🏼
sunny meadows kinda sounds like a nursing home ngl lol
I like this added Easter egg.
The way you pronounce meadows has my heart skipping a beat. It's so precious.
so my idea of this and it is a bit dark, but looking at it from left to right standing in the corner, (i found a new home sunny meadows sounds like a nice place to heal) – is them actually moving into the asylm there and its actual name is sunny meadows. (i have to leave? somewhere new? i dont belong here) is them realizing that it isnt what they thought it would be and there not getting the help they wanted, and the days on the wall could be how long she was there before then took her own life…not exactly a happy ending.
Woah 😍
Imagine if the next map is set on daytime?
It would still be dark once you enter the building, of course, but it would be a nice change
I thought i was losing my mind glad you found it as well I did not know it was the new model though
Oh my god, I am stoked for some lore. SUNNY MEADOWS HERE I COME
(also in before we find out her name is Lisa 😉)
Sunny meedows
Sunny Meadows sounds like a sanatorium rather than an asylum. That'd be such a sweet new map if it was.
Just found your channel and streams after picking up the game. Thanks for all the hard work, and I hope those Obake hunts are going well!
Sunny Meadows sounds like the name of one of those mental health type retreats. It makes sense with an asylum patient. Like maybe they've gotten better and Sunny Meadows is their next step towards getting home.