Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find an absolutely insane ghost. This might be the most intelligent ghost I’ve ever seen. We were literally having a friendly conversation until this ghost was done with me and it all went wrong… This was awesome! I hope you enjoy, much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.0.2
Yeah, the no caps rule is, how should I say this… A cruel joke? Impeding? Impeding chat enjoyment and freedom of creative speech? Useless? Degrading to those who just want to either be a little bit seen or funny/have more fun? Pretty damn stupid?
And then that one person who always says "WelL YoU KnOw yOu CAn JuST cLoSe tHe wiNDoW iF yOU Don'T liKe iT *wave*"
Like, bitch? Toxic much? Fucking targeting and alienating someone who did basically nothing wrong and was a little upset. And you it's called for to tell them to leave and get out? I've never understood this logic. People who complain are people who are trying to enjoy the stream as much as you do.
And Insym? Man do I hate this guy. Still, I watch his videos because I get something out of it. I try to enjoy it as much as I can. And then he just says "well those are the rules you didn't read them" when the person fully knows the rules, and Insym knows it too. But he just says that for no reason but to be kind of degrading.
Instead of half-assing a reasonable response, you could actually explain, without HALF-ASSING, why that is a rule. Explain. Thoroughly. Don't just say "well those are the rules" or "well i want it that way" "chat is nicer that way" – One good reason, no. Give a damn reason. It begets half-assed responses because there isn't any. It's just the way he wants it, for who knows why. If chat wants it, then let them have it. Rules like this really get under my skin.
I've watched Insym since before he started playing Phasmophobia, never really liked him. He's not funny, his ego is way too large, he alienates those who don't bow down to his rules, and he thinks he's such a pure soul. He's basically an ass in disguise.
I bet the voodoo broke after the fix to keep it from being used outside.
How did he know it was Phantom? 7:22
This was interesting,saw it live .
Totally scripted 😂
I had the same happen to me while playing with friends in Prison 😀 i was chased by the baby ghost up the stairs next to the entrance and i could see the ghost without it blinking or my flashlight flickering. I was lucky though because the Hunt started downstairs and heard the door locking up, so i knew i had to run xD also the "glitch" only started to happen once the ghost lost line of sight to me. Was fun though to see the ghost so clearly crawling after you xD
This is a freaking crazy video!! I enjoyed it so much.
Most likely the change that Vodoo heart pin hunt starts instantly instead of after animation broke the doll ( which was a fix for getting heart pin and going outside )
Bro this was fantastic xD
Bet cj was using the non public pvp to hop in and screw with him xD
New title: This ghost was a paid actor – Phasmophobia ALL SCRIPTED
16:08 Feature,not bug xD
are you french? "Oui oui oui hon hon hon"
The same thing happened to me too. I was at tangle and the lights weren’t flickering and my flashlight weren’t flickering too. I thought it was an event but it wasn’t and it killed me.
Dots on Demand lol
omg i had this yesterday insym, i thought this was a ghost event and the ghost killed me.. look you couldnt event hear the entrance door close in your Video
WOW 8 minutes in…. was this video scripted?
update: 8:03 exactly what I was thinking! lol
10:37 I was jumping in my seat like "OMG shut the door!!!" such a close call! got me going…
omg this video is going to give me a panic attack!
I sweaaar they're making ghosts smarter lol. That ending 🥲
The closet opening while the ghost is away also happened to me yesterday..
"We misidentified the ghosts name, It's real name is Albert Einstein"
mark is a paid actor
the dots part was just amazing…
Mark Is a pro Hunter
Hi my name is Mark.
Just gotta say. After hearing Insym call Mark boring at the beginning, and seeing chat roast all "Marks", I was more than satisfied with the big brain plays this ghost unleashed on Insym. Let's fkn GO!!!
Phantoms are one of my favs, too. This was a great run.
Love the content, brother. Keep going! 💪💪💪
P.S. Mark – 1, Insym – 0
I honestly run by the theory that Phantoms have a higher IQ than any other ghost type. Since the early level 800 Bleasedale Phantom that destroyed him ages ago.
Outplayed by Mark. 1-0.
Insym:what is it gonna be?
Me: a ghost
The Phantom can now uses it rare roaming ability a bunch more now so expect random hunt locations from this ghost because it’s been happening to me
4:38 that freak out followers by the deadpan "well he wasn't lying" had me rolling
Always fun when you get a Mark
Insym: Phantoms are pretty easy
Phantoms: And I took that personally
Plot twist: A real ghost haunted his PC and was trying to troll him!