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@Mr Sark
Music From:
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Connor Goudie:
Moo Snuckel Wheezing Moments
Mooby Mooby Moo, where are you?
I like how Terroriser and Vanoss is just hugging eachother 7:10
Their giggling when the hunt was on is hilarious.
I imagine their all hiding in the closet hiding from the killer while he’s in the room and babies just starts eating chips
It's like that scene from family guy when Peter is eating chips in front of the terrified family of Jews in the attic
Anyone else had their Google assistant went off when Brian said 'Hey Google' lmao
I love how you put Vanoss in the title and youtube wouldn't stop recommending the video 😂
14:40 the tea is ready
The confetti when moo escaped scared me bad like I jumped
At 6:29 if you slow it down you can see the ghost
2:20 Brock said a naughty word?…He is all grown up😹
A group of idiots hiding in the dark, wheezing at a bag of chips. I can see this happening like it's a movie. xD
This video was so funny, I haven't laughed this hard in a while
Dat wheeze😂 14:43
Holy shit when vanoss opened the chips I fuckin lost it absolutely lost it
Moo can you do it again to scare brian🥺👉👈
Terroriser is only the loud one, awesome
SCP 7 Days?
it appeared at 6:29 and nobody noticed it
More more pleas
14:40 dorito bag is back from the dead
"7 days" hahaha Brock is doing a good job.
14:40 lmfao
I thought Moo was getting killed and I was wondering where the hands were at.
Did everyone that when the ghost was first hunting it was crawling right next to Moo
9:50 it's called like the actress from some of the Halloween movies
14:40 The crew are trying to survive a possible ghost attack and are paranoid as f*ck. So nothing killed the moment quicker then Vanoss trying to open a bag of chips
1) smudge stick is used to cleanse the area near the ghost (his most active room) it makes it not hunt for a bit but it doesn't work on every ghost type (most effective on the spirit and yurei) (2) when smudge stick doesn't work then use a crucifix, this is a bit more complicated you have to place the crucifix down on the ground and if the ghost starts hunting within 3 meters (5m for banshee) of the crucifix the hunt gets canceled (1 crucifix can stop 2 hunts and than disappears), the crucifix is effective against most ghosts but especially on demon and banshee (3) if you suspect a wraith use salt. all of the named items are preventive, though salt can be used during an active hunt for a wraith (since wraith are the type that can go through walls you can easily be found by that thing so salt is most effective to ward off the wraith)! they can cancel or delay hunts but nothing can stop an active hunt, when the hunt is on your only chance to survive is run and hide. 😀
14:40 someone make some tea lol
8:50 Nice
14:38 lockdown drills be like
i started wheezing when Evan started eating fuckin Doritos XD
Me playing hide and seek
My friend im hiding with 14:40
Im crying, I can just imagine Vanoss pulling up his chips and slowly eating it while they wait. The wheezing killed me, this is the boyz humour I love
This whole video is moo bullying terroriser without being mean
When your having a sleepover and someone whispers 𝚙𝚙
Sounded like that spirt saying seven days from the 7 days song in the intro
The confetti at 16:35 scared the shit outta me
3:17 😂😂😂
5:10 😂😂😂
8:31 😂😂😂