I forced Vigors to play Phasmophobia VR with me in exchange for playing GTARP
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▶ Edited: blankface
[email protected]
did the title change, i swear it was named differently earlier
Editor, can you link the vod in the description.
i will play some phasmo with you man!
new editor? or is malena on the grindset?
vigor = furry
Soda dresses like he’s waitin on the polar express😂😂
why does vigor sound gay
I want a fnaf vr stream bad
People still Play this Game ?
Can someone explain to me who vigors is?
chance just needs to get banned from the RP server to get out of it
If you guys were my teammates I would lose my mind, instant leave the game real quick 😂
I love Vigors
Vigors acts like he isnt dead inside like so many other streamers. So wholesome
I'm sorry where did Vigor cry?
Sodapoppin is my favorite youtuber
Vigors was legit scared af laughing so hard 😂
why hsnt soda done a stream with vig irl yet? hes a pretty big part of his streams plus hes a good friend of his, chance should get vig round to his house for a week.
I honestly can’t tell if vigor gets actually triggered or not
this game would be scary if you could actually see anything
"You can't go alone!" Hero
god damn that loud breath lmao
Where did Vigors come from? Never noticed how familiar he sounded when watching live the past like year
viggy vid peepohappy