I missed the vote on that one, but danged if I didn’t use my weird ass skill of summoning a ghost I talk about. Again. 😂
Funnily enough, the Deo I had on my lunch break that day was demon child as well. She was chatty… managed to get 4 Deo responses out of her. I mean, that’s normal when you spam box for 10 straight minutes. 😂 Kiddo loves it, so I’ll do anything to make him smile. #worthit
man I missed stream… I would’ve totally bet yes on deo
I missed the vote on that one, but danged if I didn’t use my weird ass skill of summoning a ghost I talk about. Again. 😂
Funnily enough, the Deo I had on my lunch break that day was demon child as well. She was chatty… managed to get 4 Deo responses out of her. I mean, that’s normal when you spam box for 10 straight minutes. 😂 Kiddo loves it, so I’ll do anything to make him smile. #worthit
believers wins are always the most hype moment even if you vote non-believer, let's be real
easiest win of my life
I’m still angry about this one