Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we take a BEGINNER on a Nightmare mode mission… What could possibly go wrong? This was SO MUCH FUN! Stefan is a great learner! I love teaching new players this wonderful game! I really hope you enjoy, much love and see you during the streams 😀
CHECK OUT STEFAN (Dutch videos only):
Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzlQUJod3-EGqVZ5Msu2a3w
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StefandeVries95
My Links:
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.2.1
This was the collab I never knew I needed
Ive been looking for a tutorial video for newbs. This is IT
my Christian mom starts speaking in holy tongue when she watched me play, if you don't know what that means then look it up its a whole vibe
Great video!
Insym: “If we average our levels, we’re actually pretty high.”
Me: Yeah, even with three level one players, you’d still average out to level 1,968.
Stefan got his starting lineup from Insym, and honestly, I did too. I use those exact three items every time.
Stefan de vries
I'm like lvl 150. I played every game till 50 Alone 😉 Also, differentiate event vs hunts: Footsteps. Stomps are a great indication of hunt.
Wait, Psycho is in Phasmophobia? Then we need a toy of Insym too! Maybe your logo as a small pillow in the children room or something. 😂
This is really fun please play more with him u guys are a super fun duo
I would love to see more with this guy!
Man this beginner is brave, and he is doing well.
Puh… I feel like the biggest coward in the world for being level 160-something, and never having played on professional or nightmare, cause I'm scared to go in alone
i watch both wowowowowo
STEFAN DE VRIES?? well this was the last thing I expected, but I'm not complaining. legend for making this happen
I have been waiting for this for so long! I love it! Thanks Insym (And Stefan ofc)!
This is what my friends did my first like four games lmao! Funny to see it happen from the other side lol
Refreshing to see someone that actually understands the game do a playthrough, i've been watching IGP, Icy, and Drae play this. While the bickering and rookie mistakes can be entertaining it would be great if they would take it seriously for at least part of the video.
Stefan de vries
hey insym, you probaly wont read this, but i have a question, how did you met stefan?
is it like from a video or are you friends?
I want to play with you too 😀
imagine that they add a ability which allows the ghost to come outside the house for a certain period of time even in the truck, and in maps like Edgefield that would be a deathtrap O_O
U said something about new difficulty but didnt finish
Take me I’m only lvl 14
that intro xD
This reminds me of me joining multiplayer lobbies as a level 4 and getting taken to nightmare mode. Luckily I knew a lot about the game from watching Insym
Still level 3,948.5 average 🤣
I love how some people ar esaying that stefan is a noob but he actually is good but he just died a few times so he lost something and he played a lot
Is nyck de vries ur brother stefan?
"If we average our levels we're actually pretty high" says the level almost 8000
Are you dutch to? Ik ben nederlands! (I said i am dutch)
I've been ripped out from behind that glass door by a ghost… Won't be hiding there anymore!
Do thid again with him
I feel like I’m halfway between Stefan and insym, little more easily scared but also know what to do fairly well, always love watching this stuff Insym!
Dit is de collab die we nodig hadden
Insym what sweater are you wearing, I love it ;-;
This has potential. More games with him! Include other games of similar genre too like Forewarned, etc.
Mean while I'm steady sitting here waiting on console release and hoping for a switch release 😂😂😂
How do you know the difference between a ghost event and a hunt?
Let's play with this NOOB (level 27)
Me(level 8) ._.
I thought the first ghost already showed obake in the first five minutes? Because even if Insym missed the interaction time slot the fingerprints should still have been on the lightswitch? Am I the only one who noticed that?
Like…. I hope this turns into a series….. Insym takes noob players on hunts. It should be called "Ghost Safaris by Insym" or Mysni