Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I encounter one of the sneakiest ghosts ever. So I decided to employ my ultimate weapon: Flirting. Needless to say I suck at this and it didn’t go all to well. This was a really fun game and I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.0.4
"It didn't go well"
Yeah… it was downright… chilling.
I can't believe you ghosted Carol like that
Here’s a challenge idea: You can only pick two shelves in the van. Whatever is on the shelves you can use but you can’t use anything else.
Yt video idea:go in an abandonated build and start searching it
make sure to bring the caulk, ur gonna need it.
3:03 magic.
Funnily enough the missus and I ran into a Carol last night. It was a surprisingly passive Oni, up until we decided to spice it up a tad.
Carol liked that so much she couldn't contain herself.
There's something about Carol.
(0:55) I'm gonna stop you right there, Insym. Because if you are lucky enough you technically CAN fin the ghost room in under 5 minutes. Trust me, I've had a few of those missions in my Phasmophobia experience. I played a mission on Grafton earlier today and saw a misplaced Mannequin upstairs in the Bedroom on the left and that lead me straight to the ghost room IMMEDIATELY.
Does this guy have any bad days? I mean.. everytime I'm watching the youtube video, he is always in a happy mood. I love that
"… it was shy when I wasn't around…"
my brain: Shade?
One if my friends ALWAYS flirts with the female ghosts
hello how are you? im under the watur
please help me theres too much raiing lluluulu
Alessio Reho
I think Insym flirts with people the same way he flirts with ghosts and I'm down with that.
This ghost straight-up tried to use the shoulder touch on you. You're in, man!
Mom told me if i comment, I will get a heart. So now im commenting.
True! I'm in amateur purgatory since I'm a new player 🤣
I only play with friends but our stragety to piss off the ghost is to let one moonwalk and dance. it so far always triiggered a ghost event or hunt quickly after. (and the reaction of the person dancing is priceless when suddenly a ghost is standing right next to them)
This ghost was clearly some skilled ancient assassin in life and Insym just flirting with her.
…… Well, this was…. weird.
Politely speaking :3
Hey Insym did you know that I’m the lobby on the bottom shelf there is a box next to the glow sticks that is slightly open and inside you can see a few of the old item textures
Hey, here's a trick I stumbled upon in VR. About 50% of the time, if you run backwards, you can run forever! I'm not sure why it doesn't work every time, but it does work about half of the time. I have not tried this with PC screen, only VR.
Really cool game Sym. Next time you get a lady ghost you'll have to try flirting with her again…see what happens…😉☺
The vid is good and all but can we take a moment for how the video is exactly 20 mins
hey insym, it's my birthday today!
I'm actually screaming when you started looping her in the attic.
I which there were more ways that make the ghost angry. The smudge exists yes, but it doesn’t do much. I wonder what it would be like if we had more items to anger the ghosts in different ways?
I flirt all the time lol. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Haven't tried the whole breathe smelling good thing…. Might have to give that one a go a few times.
My friends and I made a shrine to a very shy ghost and started chanting its name like a cult ritual to try drawing it out
It was the only hunt we got out of it
3:04 That's just an invisible occult item. Wait how did you make it appear without an instant camera?!
Awww I'm sad now! I read the title and I thought this was the ghost you had in Willow Street, where you said "I'll start flirting so she'll show herself" and 5 seconds later she stepped on the salt and you said "nice ankles you piece of garbage" LMFAO
I got that same ghost. Before leaving I turned around and said.. oh by the way, Insym says hi! And she attacked me so.. I dont think she misses you, sorry
Crap, I was the ghost spawned right next to me and 2 seconds later a hunt happens then I'm dead
Anyone else just don’t like the farmhouses
C'mon man. She's dead. Just use tinder!
It went from phasmophobia to phasmophilia, didnt it.