If This Ghost Finds Us.. We Die in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd . Today in Phasmophobia, we enter a haunted house in search for a ghost. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?
About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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Welcome to Dark OB, @BeautifulOB second channel. If you’re a fan of spine-chilling experiences and thrilling adventures, make sure to like, subscribe, and also check out the main channel, Beautiful OB, for more content. Thanks for your continued support!
#beautifulob #darkob #phasmophobia
hey ob you r cool
Let’s gooooooo keep posting phasmo
Ob that was so dumb of you to do that and go turn on the breaker
I love your videos of I’ve been watching for 6 years
I love your vids keep up the greatwork
Hey OB! I think you should do a live stream where you and camodo play with viewers! I'm sure it'd be a great time for everyone if you guys we're up. 😀
Ob along time ago u said ur going post bigfoot u said soonish but still no bigfeet
im watching each of u Spycakes,camodo and both ur channel for abt over 3 yrs now!
MESSAGE TO YALL,idk if u want to,But u should post more garrys and stormworks!
Mr. Desk is coming o.b if you remember
I love u so much OB I have an assessment so please wish me luck ❤
Yay! I'm your 260th view on this video😂
The twins had been nothing but a thorn in their side.
it's kind of a coincidence that comodo gaming said Mr. Krabs and you are wearing a SpongeBob shirt lol😂
Hey ob I have an idea for a video there's a game on roblox called specter 2 if you have three people someone can play as a ghost also good work with the banshee earlier
hi obbb!!!!! love the new video!!! ur videos are awsome like always ❤️❤️
Can you play poppy playtime chapter 3 plzzzzzzzzz
Ob i hope you hit 💯k subs
bet my mother is gonna break up with ma dad
u should play dead signal its an anomaly game and you have to survive the people trying to kill you!
I am telling you ob do the motion sensor for the twins it sets it off twice in a row.
Can I please play Garrys mod with you?😅
Love the video! Quick Question: How do you make your thumbnails?
you and camodo shoud do a phasmo live stream
The microwave chicken would definitely catch fire!
I put a bag of popcorn in for 4 minutes and the bag caught fire ( inside the bag) the smell was so bad the microwave had to be replaced.
Incidentally Microwaves have a wavelength of 1cm.
You have the myling mixed up when it’s close and flashes you can hear the footsteps and when it’s farther you no longer can hear it
Microwave is literally a radio. 99% of American (unknown if other places use other F) run at 2.4-2.5GHz (2400000-2500000 cycles per second) to add energy to water molecules contained in whatever is inside. Running the machine without water containing mass inside can (will) damage the antenna. Running the machine for excessive amounts of time can (will) cause damage to the antenna (or transformer). Not always 100% of the time, but many much of the time.
Does anyone remember when Camodo talked into an E.M.F
I’m surprised that this channel doesn’t have as many subs as the main channel
I loved it but also it would be cool to see more apex or jalopy on the channel or that scrutinized game also they made another cool series its called welcome to the game dont play the first game its bad… but the other 2 are cool be aware its about the dark web but i think its fine maybe look into it. Remember nit tye first game its just straight bad❤❤❤ also more live stream would be cool and longer vids too
Ob craft should be your minecraft id
You and camodo should play phasmophobia on vr 1:47
are you exited to see that phasmophobia is coming to console and more people can play??
You can take pictures of the bone and the cursed objects for other easy pictures. Also you are backwards on your Myling. You can't hear them far away but can when they get closer. If you hear it before your flashlight starts flickering, its probably not a Myling.
Day 1 of asking on to play Hell divers 2 (Ppl who see this spam Play hell divers 2)
OB what do you mean I put chicken I. The microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds and comes out burned😂😂😂
O.B when did u begin playing phasmophobia? 🤔🤔🤔
A microwave works by heating the water molecules, so makes sense that boiling point of water is the maximum that it can heat
tip you have to use the walky talky to talk in spirit box
I put a potato in the microwave for too long and it turned black and smoked and I had to lob it out the door. The microwave and kitchen stank of smoke for ages.
funny story:
I wanted to use the voodoo doll for the first time and I pulled the heart first try. Insane
Really cool hair!!!
It's so funny to watch OBs face as he secretly grabs the stuffed animals😂
Ob i doubt that you still remember me, but seven months ago, you commented on my video. It took my last breath to see that my inspiration noticed me. I have just about reached 150 subs, and i hope that you reach 100k on this channel soon. Best of luck TPPNeon aka (TheChallengersKeep)
hey ob u could do a gta seres were u a spy or camodo play