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yoo what up dusk
This is awesome! I love the game, but once you understand the mechanics of the game it loses the magic. Makes me happy to see they’re attempting to take things deeper!
Sorry Dusk but I find that the background music is nearly at the same level of your voice + it is a bit too agitated music for a reading video 🙁
The thing for me that ruin the game is that if you are in a party and someone in your party is the only one that buy all the stuff and stays in the truck nobody lose anything… There's no risk in die… And the game gets boring with no risk
Atm I still often play intermediate because it feels like it's harder than professional due to stuff like lower ghost activity & aggression. I pick professional if I want to play survival against like ghost hunts instead of playing phasmo like an investigative ghost hunting game. Wonder if anything there changes
I'm still sad that the plans for more than one ghost per map got scrapped. That would've brought so much life back into the game.
Thanks for going over this! It's so great that DKnighter (and Co, now!) are still updating this and giving us new things. We're really lucky.
Obviously, this isn't an entirely new game but it sure feels like it! Very excited to see the new dev trio flexing these massive overhauls. The future of phasmo is definitely optimistic 😀
If the changes are going to be too significant I beg that they make a phasmo 2 and allow us to have the original game for nostalgic purposes 🙂
I still want to see a ship level. And I think a drone would be cool; it can look for clues but maybe is more susceptible to ghosts
cute beard😀
I do still kinda wanna see a reverse of Freezing temps where instead of a room being colder. it'll be hotter
i love you man but less music, it drowns you out.
I bought this game yesterday and i am playing with a friend. I loved this game at first, I hope they keep bringing content. One thing I would really like to see are different footsteps sounds for the ghosts.
Why would you choose music with lyrics equal to the same volume as your speech?
Best wishes