Insym plays Phasmophobia with CJ and Psycho – Livestream from 28/6/2022

Insym plays Phasmophobia with CJ and Psycho – Livestream from 28/6/2022

I stream every day on

NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.2.2


8 thoughts on “Insym plays Phasmophobia with CJ and Psycho – Livestream from 28/6/2022”

  1. it took me a very long time and days research before i came across this telegram channel with the username MAKE MONEY FROM HOME , every since i start investing on this channel i have never regret trusting them great work guys

  2. 2:30:30 Finally, the topic of what can be changed on Goryo and Obake for them to be suitable for no evidence runs has been brought up with CJ

    I know Insym doesn't usually read comments on his VODS channel, so I plan on commenting this on the released video when he uploads, but I'll say it here too

    I got some ideas for them both, seeing that they both have a defined personality

    For the Obake: since it has a "shapeshifting" personality, I'd give it a small chance (10%, maybe) to use a different ghost model other than its own whenever it does a hunt or a ghost event, so you got to pay attention for that and even have to force potentially over 10 hunts to see if that ability happens

    For the Goryo: I think it would be really nice if the Goryo was invisible on the photo cam display whenever you point it to the ghost during a hunt or a ghost event. It also encourages the player to get hunted to test that out, and also goes well with its "can't be seen on the camera" theme. It's also risky, since the photo cam is an eletronic equipment, meaning the ghost can detect the player for the duration of this test


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