I've Made Phasmophobia a Relaxing Experience For You

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nuzzgard

Hello! In this video I’ll be experimenting with a new style of content. I’ve made Phasmophobia a relaxing and immersive experience for you.
Get the headphones on, sit back, relax.


32 thoughts on “I've Made Phasmophobia a Relaxing Experience For You”

  1. Thank you all for the feedback! I was a little nervous to post but I really wanted to branch out and try something new with this video so I appreciate the comments.
    Many of you have suggested quiet talking as opposed to whispering, that's actually something I was toying around with before, so I would be more than happy to give that a try.
    I really want to keep the immersive / relaxing style going as well so expect that to return in future videos. Thank you!

  2. Oh my, didn't expect this but it turned out so good. Personally I really liked your whispering and the rain/storm sounds were also a nice addition (even if they weren't intentional).

  3. At the start of the video I assumed it'd be some kind of troll and it'd be 15 mins of loud ghost interactions and screaming but good lord was I wrong <XD I've watched you for ages now and the amount of experience you have in the game combined with how professional you are doing an ASMR kind of experience works wonders

  4. Hmmm… I think this was done tongue-in-cheek, and I couldn't stop grinning! <G> You rascal! 🙂 But, in case it wasn't, here's feedback: I cranked up the volume and still had to strain to hear your words. Consequently, there was no immersion for me. When planning your path forward, consider this. People didn't say, "You'd have a soothing voice if only you'd whisper." They said, "You have a soothing voice." As in, just like it is. No need to change anything. And you know that, and that's why I still think this was done as a troll! Hahahaha! 🙂

  5. I'll admit, I wasn't partial to the ASMR the entire time. It wasn't the worst thing, but I think it would do you better to simply speak at a lower volume than normal in an unbothered and relaxed tone rather than an outright whisper. I can see the ASMR fitting in when you're hiding somewhere though, as that would be immersive. Otherwise, perhaps experiment with some very quiet and calming instrumental music in the background, and I think you've got yourself a lovely little niche.

  6. I don't mind the whispering, it was a little more immersive in terms of ghost hunting at night in the dark by yourself. Although I also like other's suggestions of talking at normal volume but perhaps muting it a little? Either way, it was like a more intimate ghost hunt, gave it a bit more realism. Reminded me of when you and Amelia were doing real life ghost hunt videos!

  7. Oh God, no, no whispering.

    Just your gentle, regular, calm and quiet voice.

    Can't stand the saliva sounds of ASMR style. Had to stop pretty much as soon as the game footage came on.

  8. I think whispering or low, quiet talking works well…especially for Phasmo. The whispering is extremely immersive as a ghost hunter role play video of sorts. Look forward to future videos!

  9. love the relaxing feel to the video mate, I do agree with most others here that say we really love your voice, not that the whispering was unpleasant or anything, but your regular voice is plenty soothing when you talk normally, plus your accent is superb!

  10. This was amazing! Two ideas/ suggestions: 1) when exploring the house in the beginning maybe trying to turn slower as you look around 2) maybe make up a back story of the ghost yourself as you walk around

  11. This is either just me or mics aren't good at recording someone whispering but for some reason all asmr stuff the whispering just sounds a little too harsh no matter what. It's not like relaxed proper whispering it always just sounds like someone is trying to whisper but is still being loud, that kind of whispering if you know what I am talking about. I am in the minority probably.

  12. I’m watching this at around midnight whilst lying in bed with a gigantic creature dead set on taking over the world (aka a big, loving, furry, orange cat who I’ve had since 2015) on top of me


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