Journey to the Apocalypse Ep. 1 | Phasmophobia

In this Phasmophobia challenge I’ve named “Journey to the Apocalypse”, I started with Professional settings, and in order to progress I must correctly identify the ghost, get the ghost photo and complete all 3 optional objectives.

After each successful game, I spin a wheel which decides what professional setting I change to a gold apocalypse setting.

The ultimate goal is to complete the gold trophy on Sunny Meadows.

Journey to the Apocalypse Playlist:

All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:

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#phasmophobia #maggstor


11 thoughts on “Journey to the Apocalypse Ep. 1 | Phasmophobia”

  1. already loving this series. you make the challenges you do fun to watch. keep it up, a tip. what i do with my buddy is we add a T3 thermo and a T1. try that if you can. since freezing is easier to get with a T1 so you could bring a T3 and a T1 and drop the T1 on the floor when waiting for freezing

  2. A raiju that evented like an oni, drained your sanity like a banshee, gave goryo dots while you were in the same room with it, AND changed the weather while you weren't looking. What was that game even?

  3. You often say that things don't feel random when they are… same map twice in a row, same ghost twice in a row, spin player speed last, those are random! Changing the wheel you use because the other wheel was mean to you is superstitious behaviour. I hope this doesn't come across as rude, I love your videos and congrats on 30k!


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